You Think You're SO Smart!

Oct 15, 2007 22:07

Little Einsteins. Those little kids that are uber geniuses and they're 5 or whatever. It's the brainchild that's infecting little children's brains and stealing TV time from parents the nation over. You have these little kids that like to hang out, fly all over the Earth, and be smart, or some shit like that. Yeah, that's great. That's all we need is a pack of kindergarteners smarter than the average adult NASCAR fan (granted that that sure doesn't take much more than an intellegent chimp).

But it's not the fact they probably are smarter than me at a fifth of the age. It's not the fact that they're the miniature versions of arguably the smartest man ever. No, what really irks me is the fact they fly everywhere in their little red jet.

Wait, let me point out my problem again. They fly everywhere. They don't get flown. No, they fly. Five year olds fly. Anyone else see a problem with that?

Federal aviation law requires all pilots of these flying vehicles have a valid license and must be of age 18 or older. So it's clear that the kid in operation, usually Leo, is in direct violation of this law. He's clearly not 18, and thus definitely not in possession of a valid aviation license. This kid should not only be grounded from all jet flying activities, but throw his ass in jail. He's endangering the lives of his little friends by flying without a license.

But you must be saying "But Bobbo, he's super smart, and knows the responsibilities and risks involved, and is well versed in how to operate his little jet to transport him and his friend. What's wrong with him flying?". Look, he may be smarter than me. But that doesn't give him the right to get his license 13 years before I was able to. There are no exceptions in law. Plus, can you imagine the instructor who passed this little shit? Guaranteed he wouldn't have a job mcuh longer when his boss found out. Look, I don't make the rules. But a 5 year old piloting a plane is just too much.

Where will it END? An infant driving an 18-wheeler?

Fuck you, Little Einsteins.

tv, rant

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