Life in General

Nov 09, 2002 17:27

Have you ever noticed that when life is going well, you are always waiting for the other shoe to drop? Things have been going well in my life lately. My son is doing well in and out of school, my daughter is working and starting her own business, my other daughter is doing very well in kindergarten. I myself am doing a job I like, and am also good at it. I also have started dating a gentleman I care about deeply, about 5 weeks ago. Now comes the clincher...because my life is good, I have to now have the" Neighbor From Hell," who's soul purpose is to be the duchess of doom. She never has any money for food or rent but has enough for beer and cigarettes. Her boss never pays her for a month or more, yet she continues to stick up for him as well as go back to help him for free. In the meantime, her children will soon have no home because they are all being evicted. I hear about all of this as well as her boyfriend's moodiness and posessiveness. The disrespect her children give her constantly, no food or toiletries in her house. So she has taken to raiding my house of aroll of toilet paper here and there. Perhaps all of my Alieve painkillers so when I need them they are no where to be found. A whole bottle of shampoo disappeared last week because she did not feel like going to the store. So when I was out, instead of going to the store, I went into her house and took back my now half empty bottle of shampoo. I am now learning to play the borrowing game and now lock my doors when I am not at home. My son and I have started to leave our house because we do not feel like dealing with drunks, especially a drunk with the huggy, feely, whining crap. Life is hard, GET OVER AND DEAL WITH IT!!!!! The rest of us have to and are doing fine. I do believe I need to look for a new place to live. One with less neighbors and never let someone become the friend from hell. It is a shame when I say to the guy I am dating," Do you want some company at your house tonight ?" When he says why, I say so I can relax and not care about everyone else's problems for a night. A damn shame. I thought I was safe at work, but she has started calling me to tell me she has "the period from hell!" Just what I want to do...interupt my busy day at work to talk about menstrual flow. What can she be thinking? I now let all of my calls go to voicemail and there is at least 3 a day from her. What was I thinking when I moved her next to me? Did I need more of a challenge in my life? Not really. Did I feel sorry for her and want to help? Yes, and this is what being a good samaritan gets you, screwed in the end. I thought I was safe because I am watching my friends dog for the weekend and he is a big pit bull. A real sweetheart but she said as long as a big dog was here she would never come up. Guess again, she came up at 10 am and met the dog and by 4 pm had come up to visit 8 times and had called 3, no, 4 times in that time span. I thought if I do not allow smoking in my house she will never come up. Wrong again, now she comes up for short visits and smokes in between to bring all of the smoke up on her clothes for me. She is being ever so thoughtful of my wishes. As a matter of fact she brought me my mail a little over an hour ago and promptly told me which ones I should pay attention to. Damn, I was hoping she would open them and pay the bills for me...but of course no such luck. Then there is the ever so popular phone calls, sobbing, in the middle of the night. Do you think I am crazy? she asks. Hell yes, calling me at 3am when I have to go to work at 5am. At 3am who cares if you are crazy? Get a life. As a friend instead of lying to me, just tell me it is none of my business. I will not question and will go away. No problem. I do not want to take care of your animals and do not want to fold your laundry in my dryer so I can use my own stuff. I am funny that way. I cook food for the week and freeze it in ziplocks so when I am frozen and tired after work I have fast food, just heat and eat. I do not do this service for you who are to lazy to cook for your kids, or too lazy to shop for groceries. Oh yeah, now I can"t shop for groceries because you drank your child support at the bar as soon as you got it. My how silly of me to forget that. Oh yes and the ever loving, letting your daughter and her best friend borrow my clothes for the first day of school and not getting them back for 2 months. I now realize you are the best friend I have ever taught me, not to let myself be taken advantage of and to tell people no from the get go. Thank you for all of your help. It has taken you only 4 months, to teach me something that 41 years in life has been unable to teach me. For this priceless lesson in life, I can now teach my children, I am indebted to you. But this still means no more free toilet paper.....Have a great life, people and learn to see the humor in life. I do, crying about everything only stuffs you up and gives you
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