The Girl

Apr 18, 2013 00:23

Today I saw an awesome old couple on the bus, who seemed super into each other. I immediately thought "did they meet on OkCupid?"

I met my girlfriend Carla via that site last June. I was sorta-dating another girl at the time, a camera student from the local film school who already had a boyfriend. Had never done anything like that, but I guess my morals had softened to a degree where I wouldn't know where to begin to give a shit.

But I decided to go on the date anyway, because C. seemed cool (we had only messaged each other twice) and the weather was nice and I had already flaked out on her the week before, due to my nose running all over my face from a stupid cold. I figured I owed her that much. Plus she looked great and I was feeling good enough about myself where that fact wouldn't have transformed me into a jittery mess the way it used to (and boy did it use to).

We met at a beer garden, progressed to a club and eventually into my room. She later told me what really impressed her was me telling off a (white) gay dude who said black people and gays go through the same exact sort of discrimination. That's the first time that's gotten me laid.

We got serious in late September and I'm at a point where if this for whatever reason should not work out someday, I would be cool with pretty much never dating anybody again ever. I don't think that people usually get to be this happy and I'm pretty sure somewhere in the world some people must be suffering pretty damn horribly for me to experience this, so no worries people, I won't get too greedy. But right now, it's pretty amazing.

This is a picture of her being watched by Putin:

Fuck yeah, OKCupid!
(Apologies to all who've been treated horribly by that website and its never-ending supply of creepy serial killer male and female crazies. Game's been good to me.)


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