
Mar 20, 2011 16:14

Hey all. Back from HISTORIC FIRST EVER USA TRIP FANTASTICAL which I spent hanging around with my parents for 99% of the time but also did manage to squeeze a little visit to Basil in there too, luckily. I already told him how awesome he was to hang out with, so I'll take this moment to mention that I also totally thought he'd be taller in person! We're almost the same size! Ain't that just ever so peculiar. Anyhow, I promise to not be such a little momma's girl next time I come flying over and make a point to visit more of you people in all your various homesteads. Provided you tolerate drinking at early hours, smoking at all hours, heavily-accented rambling talking and snobby taste in dance music. Will hopefully make a post detailing some of the happenings of this trip soon! For now I am pleading with my achy, jetlagged body to please please GOD just stay awake a little while longer so as not to have to wake up at midnight again this time around.
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