Well, I didn’t think I was going to post something around New Year’s day but seems like it’s happening. Let’s see how well I fare.
In real life, my family were planning to have a nice dinner out on New Year’s day but we didn’t know if restaurants will do a surcharge. So we decided to postpone it to Monday. Sometimes they surcharge us a ridiculous amount.
The most productive thing, well one of the more productive things I did today was back-up my stuff. I haven’t done a back-up since…I had this laptop, which I estimate was nearly three years ago. Oh yeah. And I wasted three CDs because Windows decided to be petty and tell me my CD has errors when in actual fact, it’s just two files with incredibly long file-names. It took Roxio Burner to tell me that.
I manage to back-up most things except for that one…games folder containing about 6 ~ 7GBs worth of…fun. My CDs for backing up can take only 700MB maximum. Go figure.
The other productive thing I did today was complete a sample layout for
Playroom. It’s one of the rare times where I was thinking of using a user’s screen to a max. So where it counts, the width is totally fluid. It’s also XHTML and CSS valid! Gosh, I was so proud of myself. *pat on the back* Of course, XHTML was Transitional, so that helped a bit. I’ve never tested myself by using Strict before. Maybe I should, when I have more patience.
And because everyone does this…here are just a few things I would like to do this year. My _ ~ = + resolutions + = ~ _.
- Not panic when I see something like this:
$query = "INSERT INTO article SET name='".$_POST
$query .="date_posted=NOW(),categoryID='".$_POST
echo mysql_error();
$getarticle="SELECT * FROM article WHERE artid = ".$_SESSION
['aid']." ORDER by date_posted ASC";
if(!$result = mysql_query($getarticle)){
echo mysql_error();
Code sneaked from DevShed.
I’m still not thoroughly comfortable with PHP. Heck, I don’t even know exactly what isset does right now.So yes, I’d like to be more versed with PHP than I am right now. - Pass my courses with a grade closer to A+. I’m studying part time, I should be able to. Must study harder!
That’s all I’ve got at the moment.
Happy new years!
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