Title: Sanctuary
Word Count: About 11,000 between the two parts
Rating: R for language and violence
Characters/Pairings: Jimmy/Richard with appearances of Nucky, Margaret, Angela, Nan and the children.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything BE wise.
Summary: Takes place directly after the events of episode 12: "A Return to Normalcy".
Switches back and forth from Jimmy and Richard's POV.
Nan Britton, President Harding's mistress, has gone missing-having fled with Margaret's children. Nucky sends his two hitmen on a mission to find them and bring them back.
This story chronicles the two ex soldiers working alongside each other intimately, getting to know each other and seeking refuge in the other as they struggle to escape their pasts, map their futures and search for the woman but both of them secretly hoping they don't find her and that the seach and working together can continue forever.
Slow building Jimmy/Richard because I love buildup, angst and "non easy relationships".
In this part, the last part: The stunning conclusion of the mission Jimmy and Richard were sent on. The two men find where Nan Britton and the children are held and the fight to save everyone's lives ensues.
The final Parts at my journal:
"What did they know of love and understanding? Of compromise and sacrifice? Of giving selflessly and often? “We don’t know anything,” Richard murmurs into Jimmy’s hair. “We don’t know anything.”
Previous Parts:
Part 1 Part 2