For this actor, the accent is on comedy -- Article and interview with Anthony Laciura, who plays Eddie Kessel, Nucky's butler. As for his character, Laciura describes Eddie as Tonto to Nucky's Lone Ranger, albeit a sidekick on the receiving end of a steady stream of abuse. Cowboy analogy --> impending gigglefit.
Actor finds Boardwalk Empire role to be captivating -- Said actor would be Michael Stuhlbarg re: Arnold Rothstein, of course. Check out the pic of AR in that blue silk robe.
Btw, if you've seen the blog on this site that's "written" by "Nucky Johnson"...I dunno about you, but that's kinda creepy. I mean, there are some good facts there, comparing the real life Nucky and Co. to what's on the show, a dead guy's supposed voice? Plus it's got Steve Buscemi's image up there and I'm like, oookay.