Whoa, who knew that painting a parking spot could be so much work! I finally got it done after 2 1/2 hours! I didn't leave out of there till after 1:oo, which totally sucked since I was really lonely painting all by myself... everyone else's spots were all the way down yander. Oh well, it's done and over with:
Chelsea Morgan just called. It's really funny with her. We used to be SO close, she would come over and stay at my house for days at a time and we were always together. Now it feels like I'm second choice for her. Like just now, she calls and say "hey, my brother is going out with his friends and my parents are going to go out for dinner, so I'm going to be all alone and bored by myself, wanna go do something." WTF?! If she wasn't alone, she probably wouldn't have even called me for like another week or something. Maybe I'm just being wierd, but I feel bad when she's only wanting to hang out when it's convient for her. I dunno. Whatever, I'm so over her... =(
But, YAY, I'm going out with the better, Asian Chelsea tonight. She's leaving for college, so we're going to have a shin-dig down on I-Drive at a place called Cafe Tu Tu Tango. Huh? Yeah, it should be lots of fun, if I get to go, Lord knows my parents aren't very fun people. Well, they are, they just don't let me do a bunch of stuff cause they're supposedly protecting me... plus there's that whole 'I'm walking on thin ice' thing. Another word for it is grounded!
Okay, I'm going to go eat some food cause I'm starving after being out in that heat all day.