May 01, 2005 14:09
well lets see... my memOry dOesn`t gO back that far but i`ll try.. umm..?
t h u r s d a y . take yOur child tO wOrk day !. that was fun. i stayed hOme and slept till abOut 9 Or 10. i was super bOred ! sO i asked my brOther tO take me tO nikkis hOuse and he did. wOw that was fun lOl. that nagger Of mine is sOO Krazyy Kool. and she made me a new layOut. isn`t it awesOme ?! well we ate alOt OF shit and edwa (lOl) is great at tickling peOple. like i said i have bad memOry
sO yeah mOving On..
f r i d a y . i went tO schOOl. pretty slack day. i wOke pu late and i gOt tO schOOl On time. what a surprise! 1st periOd was like usual. BORING. i tOOk a test and we all failed with pride ! lOl 3rd periOd we wOrked On Our prOjects and it is due On mOnday .. umm .. ? 5th periOd there was a sub and we did absOlutely nOthing. after that i came hOme. i think ? and my mOm and her hubby were gOnna gO Out sO i stayed hOme alOne. i cOuldn`t see my babe :[ . cathy was getting her nails dOne and her mOm was gOnna gO Out sO she came tO my hOuse a lil while and we pretty much just ate shit. she finally watched eurO trip after like 35068756 years ! lOl gOOd jOb cathyy. after that i talked tO my babe and then i passed Out.
s a t u r d a y . what a busy dayy ! i wOke up at 9:30 and my sister (she is really my bROthers g/f) came and picked me up. i went tO get waxed and she waxed tOO. after that i gOT hOme like at 12 and started taking a shOwer and shaving and all that stuff. at 3 i had an aapt. with cindy (raquels friend) tO dO my hair. right befOre i ate i went tO eat at BK . we were with Jaylen (my brOthers baby) . she is sOO cute guys ! she already talks a lil. i wanna eat her !! lOl well i gOt my hair dOne and it tOOk lOnger than i expected. twO hOurs ! Omg. i was running sO late. my mOm had tO speed hOme and i had tO get dresed and all that gOOd stuff. and then.. raquel came tO my rescue tO put On my make up !! i ended getting tO lOras hOuse like at 7 and i was suppOsed tO be there like at 6:15. ! well i made an entrace lOl.. and like they say. better late then never. :] . every1 lOved hOw i lOOked. i gOt sOO many cOmplients and it was awesOme ! lOl i think all that time i tOOk getting ready was really wOrth it.:] we tOOk pictures with the limO and all that gOOd stuff and then we went On Our way tO PROM ! i had sOO much fun. i wasn`t really lOOking fOward tO it. i danced alOt and tOOk picutres. sOme dick stOle my camera. grrr. w/e i guess thOse pics weren`t meant tO be. i tOOk pics with Other ppls cameras sO it`s all gOOd. manny asked Out michelle and she said yeass.. awhh que cute ! lOl. at the end every1 started crying.. i think i was the first One lOl. but w/e . i was really sad. i`m gOnna miss thOse fuckers. well we all gOt in the limO after prOm and every1 was like depressed and i started tO sing !! lOl "if yOur happy and yOU knOw clap yOur hands ::clap clap::" lOl well after a while every1 cheered up. what happens in the limO, stays in the limO ! nOThing really happen thO rOfl . we went tO dennys and Omg it was really fun. spit balls and fries ! lOl sOme guys started dancing and willy gave me 5 bucks tO gO arOund dennys and dO the same thing.a dn every1 knOws the crazy me went and did it . lOl it was a trip i had madd fun ! . i gOt in the car and i called my babe and we talked. i wished him a happy year !! yepp tOday, May 1, 2005. is a year that me and him have been talking. crazy huh ? i lOve yOu gOrdO ! after i came hOme and tOOk Off my shOes . i thOught i was gOnna die ! i have blisters alll Over my feet. it is hOrrible. ! . but w/e 'beauty is pain' .
s u n d a y. i wOke up tO my hubbys vOice. he called me and wOke me up like at 12:30 . we started talking and shit and then we hung up. he called me back and he tOld me he was gOnna take a shOwer and then gO TO see his grandpa because tOday is his b_day. babee i hOpe he gets better :/ . i tOOk a shOwer as well because my hair was full Of hair sray and shit . i`m clean nOw :] . well hOpefully i get tO see my gOrditO tOday cuz i misss him alOt and i`m gOing crazy nOt being able tO see him ! i gOtta dO alOt tOday.. hOmewOrk. clean my rOOm. wash clOthes. eat because i`m starved and i haven`t eaten ! lOl sO i`ll update laters.
 lOve yOu guys ! mwa*