Apr 26, 2005 16:28
welll this weekend went pretty gOOd. f r i d a y i was really sick sO my mOm suggested 4 me tO stay hOme.. sO yeah i did.
s a t u r d a y . i was suppOsed tO gO tO rachels hOuse but i was sick and she was gOnna get intO the pOOl sO yeah. that wOuldn`t have made me get any better. sO i just stayed hOme and at night i went tO sunset place tO watch 'Alot Like Love.' ladies: yOu must watch that mOvie if yOU think Ashton Cutcher is fuckinn hOt !! he cOmes Out but_ass naked ! awh it was awesOme. :]
s u n d a y . i wOke up really ealy and gOt ready. sunday is like 'spend time with mOm' dayy. sO yeah i tOOk a shOwer and gOt dressed. she started having this hOur lOng cOnversatiOn with alex .. i was like Okayy cut it ! she tOld him that we were planning On gOing tO the mall and that he shOuld gO. sO i called him after dennys and tOld him that we were On Our way tO the mall and he said he cOuldn`t cOme. i was sad.. :[ . but wheni gOt there. he was there tOO ! lOl .. awh him and my mOm talked and made plans tO surprise me. it was sOO cute ! i pretended tO be mad but ObviOusly i was superr happy. :] well yeah that is my update On alex.
m o n d a y . i wOke up with pink eye. sucked ass. i had tO gO tO the dOctOr and get sOme eye drOps and then i went tO my cOusins hOuse cuz i didn`t wanna stay hOme alOne and we did alOt Of stuff. we tOOk her baby (twO mOnths Old) tO get her ears pierced and she was crying.. ! awh pOresita i felt bad. but she lOOks veryy cute nOw ! and we tryed On like 304758 bikinis tOgether lOl. she is mOving tO the beach sO i`m gOnna have a great summer. and alex is gOnna be a part Of it. awh ! :] at night alex came befOre gOing tO night schOOl and drOpped Off twO letters he had wrOte fOr me. they were just tOO cute. if yOu are in cOckway. yOu will see them On my binders guys. at night i decided tO write back. but i wrOte him a three page letter ! amazing ! it is really cute thO. sucks. yOu guys wOn`t be able tO see that One.
well tOday. i wOke up and gOt ready fOr schOOl. alex called me and we talked fOr like 20 minutes. it was fun lOl. i gOt tO schOOl and i gOt my prOgress repOrt . i`m dOing pretty gOOd. i`m prOud. i gOt satisfactOry in Dr.BrOwns class.. ::wOOt!:: i wOre my glasses tOday. everyOne was like yOu have glasses !!! yess guys i dOO. "yOu lOOk like a nerd. But a very hOt nerd" :] thanks eddie.. lOl. gerald & jOnathan.. > "the glasses club" lOlLoL tOO funny. i guess my glasses were like kinda a success. in a way ?? lOl umm sO yeah.. later On tOday alex is cOming Over. after the GYM ! i hOpe he dOn`t smell tOO bad ! it Okay hunny. i luFF yOu anyways. yeah i`m gOnna give him his letter. befOre he leaves. i hate when peOple rread the letters i give them right in frOnt Of me because then they talk abOut everything On it.. gRrRr ! lOl well yeah i`m gOnna gO take a shOwer and dO stuFF i gOtta dO.
i lOve yOu guys !
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