Sep 06, 2004 00:28
1.One who chooses to suffer death rather than renounce religious principles.
2.One who makes great sacrifices or suffers much in order to further a belief, cause, or principle.
3.One who endures great suffering: a martyr to arthritis.
4.One who makes a great show of suffering in order to arouse sympathy.
We all know what a martyr is. Someone like Jesus, or Joan of Arc, or the girl who was shot at Columbine after confirming that she did believe in God. However (and as usual), that is not the point of this entry. The fourth definition listed above is: "One who makes a great show of suffering in order to arouse sympathy."
I know a lot of people who's picture should be under that fourth definition in the dictionary. What makes someone do that? Lack, obviously, but lack of what? Now, by all means, my life is not perfect, nor am I, but for the love of (insert deity here) stop. No one wants to listen to your whining, or witness your pity party. When I see people whoring themselves for attention that way it makes me want to push buttons. You know, get a real feeling out of them...a real reaction to the world.
I've been there. I wanted the sympathy, but once you stop doing that, and open up and get what you need from whomever you need it from, you will realize how annoying you are being. Most of the time, after all, the person you really need to open up to is yourself. Stop for a moment, take a couple of breaths, and sit yourself down. Ask yourself, why am I doing this? What is it that is really bothering me? Should I really be an attention whore to all these people that I don't even care about? Is this actually making me feel better?
Probably not.