Sep 05, 2004 18:04
"Hey, want some mustard?"
"You buyin'?"
"I'll give you a beer of mine, if you double-barrel it with the mustard."
"I fuckin' love mustard!"
Bruce goes to get beer and mustard.
"Jamie said to funnel it...let's do that."
Hank holds funnel, Brooke inserts mustard in the bottom of the funnel, Bruce pours in beer, and Brooke puts more mustard on the top.
"More fucking mustard!! I said more dammit!"
"Kenneth, I think there's enough in there."
"Are you kidding me? MORE!!! MORE!!!!"
Brooke does as requested, and then finally cuts him off. Kenneth proceeds to funnel the beer/ mustard combination. It looks like something very foul that's not even worthy of words. About 10 seconds into it, Kenneth's face twists into something horrible. He gags, and he and the funnel full of mustard and beer fall into the grass. For ten minutes an extremely yellow mucus runs from his nose.
"That shit fuckin' burns!"