Apr 21, 2008 12:36
Sometimes I like to think that fortune cookies really can be true. Sometimes, I like to think that when I look up at a cloud and it's in the shape of a smiley face, it's just for me. I know that these little things probably aren't true, but it's fun to pretend for a little while.
My fortune cookie for today: "An agreeable romance might begin to take on the appearance." On the back is the Chinese word for 'boyfriend,' with the translation 'nan pun yau.' Lucky numbers are 8, 37, 49, 20, 47, and 15.
Ignoring the serious grammatical errors in the fortune, I'd like to think that it means an agreeable romance is on the way for me. I guess that someone may have messed up the fortune and left off the last part of the sentence, which could have read, "of a giant lizard." I would not like to be an agreeable, disagreeable, or even neutral romance with a giant lizard. Also, perhaps the boyfriend translation on the back is to further encourage the fact that an agreeable romance is on the way. New pick up line: So, are you looking for a nan pun yau?
I don't even really know what to think about the lucky numbers. Maybe I'll just be on the lookout and keep them with me so that I can keep the giant electromagnet from going off if I'm ever stranded on an island.
I mentioned in my last entry that I'd like to start writing more. I'm thinking about tackling a little project this summer in which I'll write an episode or two of a Friends-style sitcom (that will never get produced) based on personal experiences and hear-say stories from friends (that no one probably wants to hear). Regardless of the fact that such writings will end up in some long-forgotten notebook in a box in a closet years from now, I still think it will be a nice thing to have; not only to exercise my brain a bit, but also to help as an almost-record for remembering the crazy things I've witnessed and done in my short life. I worry that in writing such a thing my wit will fall short and I'll realize how trite my writing really is, but like I said, it's just a project.
In the meantime, I'll hope for more good fortune cookies and the good fortunes that follow.