Random Grumblings of Ishy Mishmendelbaum...

Oct 10, 2006 18:32

I was gonna write a whole thing about Lost and how great it was, but I guess I just lost interest. Not in the show. But in writing a whole diatribe about how much I love the direction this season is taking and how pissed off I get when people complain that shows don't "do what I thought they were gonna do." If a show became predictable, wouldn't you stop watching it? That's why I love Lost. You never know what's going to happen. But I'll spare you the mile long essay about yet another television show and I'll try to write about some real issues.

First of all, I saw "The Departed" on Friday night. It fucking kicks ass. I know this isn't a real life issue and we're right back to entertainment posts, but I just need you to know how friggin' fantastic this movie is. Go see it.

Saturday, I got to Third Base...yeah, baby. Well, kinda. Third Base is a bar in Smithfield that my dad's band was playing at. Yeah, my dad is back playing in Lock N Load with my uncles, and this new guy Jason who is an awesome guitarist. The band sounded great - like they had never been away. I'm always amazed that my dad still gets nervous and ill before going on stage. He's been doing it for more than 20 years. But, I guess I still freak out if I'm just singing karaoke, so I can understand. Lock N Load plays again at Third Base on Saturday, October 21st for the official Third Base Halloween party and the unofficial Jackie/Jamie going away party. You should check them out.

Yeah, that's right, I said Jackie and Jamie are moving. To Kent. On the 28th. It sucks. Everyone is leaving. Joe left already. Rich is moving to Chicago. My sister (who I'm finally hanging out with more and enjoying how cool she turned out to be) is leaving. What the hell? I mean, not that I don't understand and am proud that people are growing up and doing their own thing, but it's more than a little depressing. Especially coming from someone who hates change.

In other fun news, I think my bathtub is broken. Well, just the drain. And I don't think it's a clog, as I've force fed it Liquid Plumber twice yesterday. It just drains veeerrrrrrryyyyyyy ssssssllllllooooooooowwwwwwllllyyyyyy. I might have to get my dad down to look at it.

I cleaned the entire house last night so that Josh could come home, drink, and make everything sticky again. Damnit. I'm tired today.

I was just reminded of something really funny. In high school, my friends and I (namely Russell, John, and Drew) would amuse ourselves by writing sketches for a show that we would one day produce. One of the characters we had come up with was Ishy Mishmendelbaum, the Flaming Jew. Now, this was amusing for unknown reasons. One, because just his name was so stereotypical. And also because he would actually be constantly on fire. Not saying that a jewish person aflame is amusing, but the funny part was that he didn't care, knew he was on fire, but accepted it as a way of life.

The things we remember...
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