I spend more of my time mapping out what I need to do and making lists and such then actually doing stuff! Its annoying - i really think i have a minor case of OCD. lol. Joking.
Good times last night with old and new friends despite my cynical attitude. it was really a 'coming out' experience. haha. I love Britt & Sarah Ann (my wifey) & Mike & Erika.
anyway, I found this site and thought it to be interesting. There are some insightful facts on there annnd a cool blurb about why this one particular women is a feminist. check it out :
http://home.earthlink.net/~rubberjoel/id21.html I don't mention my parents that often. Livejournal isnt usually for parents or boys, lol. butttt I took a cute picture of them today when they got home from a bike ride. My dad looks so harcore in it.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v189/Nkita7257/Parents005.jpg I could never ask for more supportive/cool/wonderful parents - I should tell them that more <3
Well im off to read over a hundred pages for my classes this week. feel bad for me. hope everyone is having a wonderful long weekend!