no phone

Sep 03, 2006 06:08

so many random unimportant things to post about and so little time.

Im currently at Sarah & Jen's apartment. Neither of them are here; What I would do without them - I just don't know. I love my parents and i have an awesome room. but for some reason, Im not digging being home right now orrr the large amount of people that consume my house on the weekends (long story - disfunctional family).

was supposed to be at traffic court in wakefield at 8:30 am but found it to be cooler to wake up at 8:15 and stumble into the court at 9:07 with Sarah clearly causing a distraction as it was obvious that we both just rolled out of bed. It sucks when we remember setting the alarm but it doesnt go off. lol. they didnt call my name untill 9:30 so i was ok, but I have to go back anyway bc im from MA and i need to get my driving record and bring it with me. bummmmmmer.

My wifey and I then hit up Denny's for breakfast. Tried to do work but took naps instead. Both were dissapointed by boys. (but that is not out of the ordinary for us) but we laughed a lot. Just an ordinary day but i enjoyed it lots because i wasnt stressssed!

E.Dill and I saw naked girls at the club last night. I hate unclassy girls who give other girls bad names.

Did I mention that I dont feel like going home? BC I dont. Not looking foward to a lonely weekend full of family bbq's and lack of motivation for the millions of things i feel like i have to do.
I have been on my laptop wayyyyyy to much. im addicted!

I read a news article today bashing the idiot who runs our country in respect to the whole disaster thing. It was insightful, check it out on Nestcape's News homepage if you are interested.

Im exctied about my honors project - The idea and the study, not the large amount of work i am constantly behind on. And might I add that Women's Studies Org is wonderful.

ugh. im in a shitty mood randomly. enough babbling.
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