The Journey Resumes

Oct 12, 2011 19:06

In May I wrote:

The bottom line is this: I feel stable where I am on my journey. I don't feel the need to deliberately explore any further at the moment. I am where I am, I am who I am, and I am more inclined to concentrate on making that work than trying to see what else might be out (or in) there.

Inevitably, life is change, and the journey resumes in a different direction.

I am B.Minstrel. I am polyamorous and I am learning what that means to me. I am in my early to mid thirties, have a wife and two close friendships (the nature of which might cause Normal monogamous people to raise an eyebrow). I have experienced what I felt was the perfect situation for me, but no amount of effort could make it last. Now I am trying to understand the core of what made me happy, and to find something with the same positive effects but with out the problems which made it impossible to sustain.

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