Made a f-list cut...

Nov 03, 2008 19:22


I just made a f-list cut and deleted some people off my f-list...
One of the reason might be, that the LJ is inactive for a loooooooooong time now, which means I haven't heard from this person in a while...
Another reason might be, that interests have changed and I have not the feeling that these persons are still interested in me and my entries, or maybe the other way round... I'm not interested in "them" anymore...

Interests change, so it's not a problem... but if you're on the list and want to say, just comment here, why you think you should stay!

If not, the following people are "cut" out of my f-list now:
Like I said: If some of the people there wanna stay, comment... if not, I wish you all the best for your future and it's really nothing personal ;-)


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