John Wick has your back

Jun 26, 2019 16:49

One of my co-workers and I bonded over a mutual (somewhat shameful) obsession with Keanu Reeves. It turns out that we also like the same movies from his career, chief amongst these are Constantine and the John Wick series. She has a tough job and deals with a lot of personalities that would set my teeth on edge, and she's very graceful about it. I joked with her when she was having a bad day that it would be great to complain about clients to John, and he'd just nod, pull out a weapon and grumble, "I'll take care of it". The idea made her so happy, I decided to draw it for her.

It was fun to make (in PowerPoint, of course). I still want a live John Wick work-minion though... ♥

take your shirt off, heroes, powerpoint, friends, illustration, pictures, work, the element of awesomite, hell yeah!

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