Fan art: Sylvan god Reid

Jun 01, 2019 16:09

My muse is batshit crazy.

I saw a documentary on Alexander McQueen. Then I decided I needed to create people with horns and nutty hair. Then I decided it had to be fan art. And then I made it fan art about a story I subsequently wrote (which may or may not make sense).


Fandom: Criminal Minds
Title: The Forest
Rating: story is M for violence and death, image is PG for lack of clothes
Length: ~2200 words
Pairing: Aaron/Emily (established), Aaron/Spencer/Emily (potentially, if you squint hard)
Warnings: threat of rape, violence, death, AU, fantastical elements, unexplained magic, unfinished?
Summary: Emily and Aaron are about to be murdered ingloriously by bandits until nature steps in.

Read it on Ao3.

wait...what?, take your shirt off, criminal minds, linkity-link-link, powerpoint, fanfiction, illustration, pictures, fan art, hell yeah!, fandom

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