You think it's just another day...

Nov 14, 2015 11:40

You wake up. You have coffee, chat with the husband. You sit down to do some work because, well, life's just tough isn't it? And then you open a browser to a news site and you see PARIS and GUN ATTACKS and TERRORISM and HUNDREDS FEARED DEAD, and you start to wonder if this sort of thing will ever come to an end. I was appalled by the attack at Charlie Hebdoe and the Austrailian shootings earlier this year but the numbers in this latest attack just leaves me numb. I'm tired of the analysis of Islam. I'm not fooled by the inevitable fearmongering that follows attacks like these. I'm disheartened by the endless news stories about the gains ISIL is making in various Middle Eastern and African countries, and I feel overwhelmed by the ensuing refugee exodus/crisis it is causing. This is not a political or cultural war - it's just genocide, plain and simple. Humanity has a poor track record in dealing with genocide (everyone points to the Nazis in WW II, but no one really did much about that until the war was almost over, and then there's Bosnia, Somalia, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Myanmar... no cared about any of those). I'm left wondering if we (as a GLOBAL community, not as Westerners) will do anything about it this time. Because when someone decides to kill civilians outside of a conflict zone, simply for P.R. effect, shouting out a religious or political slogan doesn't suddenly elevate mass murder to a freedom fight. It's just an appalling absence of morality, of humanity.

Anyway... I have to work, so...

Here are the only things that can pick me up right now other than hugging my husband and dog: white lion cubs at the Toronto Zoo (born in September). Have a better weekend, my friends ♥

depressed, stop the world - i wanna get off, pictures, animals, the state of the blythe, unsolicted opinions, this is why we can't have nice things, so sad, news

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