30 Days of Fanfiction - Day 7

Nov 15, 2015 09:00

Okay, this is a good one...

7. Have you ever had a fic change your opinion of a character?

Oh my, yes :) But, of course, I've never changed my own mind about a character - it's always another's work. For example, How To Fight Loneliness by Mad Lori is the foundation upon which my Spencer Reid head canon is based. It was also the story that introduced me to Reid and Prentiss as a pairing, which had never occured to me while watching the show. Reading that fic was a swift, spiritual boot to the head that altered my view permanently.

Similarly, I Seem To Be A Verb by Aja changed what I believed you could do with an AU. This fic is technically an Inception story, but really not as it takes Arthur and Eames out of that world and deposits them wholly into an unrelated one, and it works. I love every inch of that fic. Also, in the Inception fandom Patience, A Steady Hand by Helenish is another fantastic example of a remarkable AU, this time it involves vikings. o_O

Perhaps the most obvious example of a sea change towards a fandom was brought about by How To Train Your Angel-Wolf Boyfriend by OctoSally. This is a Jupiter Ascending fic, and the film was so lacklustre that I had no interest in fanning it at all. Until I read THIS STORY. OctoSally not only changed my mind about the original source material, but she made me want to write things for her universe of it. I've never experienced such a polar shift in a fandom opinion before.

Finally, I'd love to include a work by cherie_morte on this view-altering list, but she hasn't finished/posted it yet. Which is too bad because not only is it a compelling read with tons of awesome worldbuilding in it, it is also an example of SPN RPF, and I do not do RPF (everyone knows this).

linkity-link-link, meme, friends, fanfiction, the mind is a terrible thing to taste, the element of awesomite, write something you miserable fuck, fandom

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