Thank god for PB&J

May 27, 2015 13:19

I'm fighting with InDesign so hard right now that it physically hurts. Stupid fucking Adobe product *fist shaking at the Universe*.

Also, all of my clients have files that they need done by end of day and I have no one to help out. Gee, thanks for the advanced notice when I was sitting around on my ass all yesterday...

Anyway, I was about to 1. cry, 2. send a lot of cranky emails, and 3. tell the next person to use the words "I know you're busy, but..." that they can have my last, fragile nerve but otherwise FUCK OFF... and then I remembered that synap made me a PB&J to take to work today and I ate that instead. Now, I feel more capable/less homicidal.

Good husband is good ;)

asshole douchebaggery, shut up!, stop the world - i wanna get off, fuck!, you've got to be fucking joking, thanks for nothing, litany of woe, synap, this is why we can't have nice things, fuck off, wait...what?, rant, stupid clients, blythe is gonna blow, work, rude!, computer fall down go boom, things that make you go hmmm, your stupid is showing

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