So, I got bored and decided I wanted to FILL a posting with links, so...
Stolen from
firesign10 (who is also
fireheart13, which is confusing but I'm sure you're all on top of it): Top 10 Hits & Kudos Lists!
The fine print: Click on links at your own risk. Assume anything rated above PG is NSFW. Basically, just be an adult about this, okay? Thanks.
All of these numbers are cumulative, not yearly.
Top 10 Hits Stories
- It's Time To Start Wanting What You Have (Criminal Minds, NC-17, Hotch/Reid, 10,029 hits)
- The Secret Marriage (Criminal Minds, PG, Hotch/Reid + team, 8429 hits)
- House Call (Criminal Minds, NC-17, Hotch/Reid, 7950 hits)
- Proposal Conundrum (Sherlock (TV), PG, Sherlock/John, 7805 hits)
- You Didn't See Anything (Criminal Minds, Supernatural, PG, gen, 6637 hits)
- Something Less Ordinary (Criminal Minds, NC-17, Hotch/Reid, 5579 hits)
- Morally Indefensible (Criminal Minds, NC-17, Hotch/Reid, 5515 hits)
- Not Included In The Brochure (Criminal Minds, Sherlock (TV), PG, Hotch/Reid & Sherlock/John, 5406 hits)
- Just Right (Criminal Minds, PG, Hotch+Reid, 5200 hits)
- A Little Better (Criminal Minds, R, Hotch/Reid, 4700 hits)
This list isn't all that surprising EXCEPT for You Didn't See Anything at #5 - that one doesn't have any smut in it, isn't a casefic, and features an improbable crossover. I can't account for its attractiveness at all. Numbers 9 & 10 are part of a series, so that makes sense to me. But still... they are pretty high up on the list.
Top 10 Kudos Stories
- The Secret Marriage (Criminal Minds, PG, Hotch/Reid + team, 406 kudos)
- It's Time To Start Wanting What You Have (Criminal Minds, NC-17, Hotch/Reid, 369 kudos)
- Proposal Conundrum (Sherlock (TV), PG, Sherlock/John, 271 kudos)
- Morally Indefensible (Criminal Minds, NC-17, Hotch/Reid, 259 kudos)
- Something Less Ordinary (Criminal Minds, NC-17, Hotch/Reid, 236 kudos)
- His Favorites (Criminal Minds, G, gen, 220 kudos)
- A Little Better (Criminal Minds, R, Hotch/Reid, 219 kudos)
- House Call (Criminal Minds, NC-17, Hotch/Reid, 212 kudos)
- You Didn't See Anything (Criminal Minds, Supernatural, PG, gen, 183 kudos)
- The Best For Last (Criminal Minds, PG, Hotch/Reid, 181 kudos)
The only real surprises here are #6, which is kidfic fluff, and #10, which is a Christmas fic that struck me as a bit ridiculous when I wrote it. Also, an honorable mention goes to #14 on the kudos list, which is
Convenient People at 145 kudos. That is one of my sentimental favorites and it appeals to such a small readership that I'm amazed by the kudo count.
In general, I don't think that either of these lists are terribly insightful or informative. For example, my entire V for Vendetta section will never make it onto either of these top 10, but when those fics were published over on piratestripes, the hit counts were very high. Also, any story longer than 2000 words probably has multiple chapters and might record multiple hits if readers consume it in sections. And finally, there is the nostalgia factor: some fics get re-read, or are read to refresh the storyline if I add another fic in the series. It's just further proof that numbers aren't everything.