I'm not ready yet

Jan 02, 2014 14:43

I really need a couple of days that don't count towards either 2013 or 2014. Just to get my shit together, ya know? The holidays have made me sorta lazy and I'm not prepared for the full court press of the National Sales Meeting quarter that will be the next 90 days for me. *sigh*

For example, I have already done 3 year-end 'need-it-NOW' files for programs coming up next week (who plans a year-end meeting for the FIRST WEEK IN JANUARY?), and it's only 2 p.m. The head of a pharmaceutical P.R. firm just called to ask me if I could prepare a "humorous" staff party PPT for next Friday. But he doesn't have any content, or a template, or any idea what he wants it to be about yet. Ummm, yeah. This is my life - I keep forgetting that. "Just call Blythe... she's got that 'make it snazzy' button on her computer that we don't..."

My last paycheque went awry so now I have absolutely no money until a replacement cheque clears, and all sorts of automated payments are getting FUBAR'd as a result. Thanks a bunch 2014 - yer off to a great start thus far *growls*.

And it's very, very cold here. And grey.

So, why did I come into work today again?

Today's post is brought to you by Snowy Detroit Boys in Knickerbockers (circa 1920):


And, Jonathan Bernier and his mighty Toque of Power from yesterday's Winter Classic in Ann Arbor:

I can't believe that he wore it for the whole game. It was both ridiculous and completely cute at the same time.

to do list, eyebrows of doom, winter is coming, powerpoint, stop the world - i wanna get off, you've got to be fucking joking, the state of the blythe, woulda shoulda coulda, blurgleweegsnazzer, this is why we can't have nice things, fabulousity, wait...what?, picture, lazy, sports, winter, work, tired, omgwtf, your shit is crazy

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