Valentine's Day 2x2 Meme

Feb 14, 2008 14:53

Ripped from faunalia, who so rarely instigates a meme on her f-list that I'm truly shocked....

The rules:
please respond in pictures.

two male specimens you find attractive:

Viggo Mortensen (people please! - LOOK AT HIM!)

Ewan McGregor, because he's fun, funny and usually naked.

two female specimens you find attractive:

Gillian Anderson

Katee Sackoff (pout for me, honey! pout before you hand someone's ass to them...)

two articles/types of clothing which can be sexy:

It's not clothing - so sue me! (photo is by Diane Kaye)


two settings you'd find romantic:

Maybe without the tree branches behind the bed...

I can't help it. It's in the blood.

two songs that do the trick: (okay, you can cheat and just list the songs...)
Moonlight Sonata - Beethoven (no, I'm not kidding)
Shag Tobacco - Gavin Friday

what about you?

valentine's day, pictures

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