Mar 29, 2010 22:36
So I didn't post anything last week. Not even an update post. Basically, my thought process went, I know, I'll wait a week to post again, because then I'll have twice as much done, and therefore something to report. Well, not exactly, but sort of.
I've been doing really well with working on the marathon training days, keeping up with at least three of the four days. My family has also instituted a rather amusing exercise rule, which is this: If we're watching TV and a commercial comes on, then we have to do some sort exercise until the show comes back on. Squats, push ups, sit ups, stretches, running in place, anything as long as you're up and moving during the commercial break. We've definitely had some laughs about it, as well as some sore muscles.
Good progress was also made on the short story. Another thousand words worth. There's been one part of the story, a rather significant part, that I've been having a hard time approaching. Basically, it's the scene where it's revealed why the witch is chasing the girl, and it needed to be good and scary. I didn't have a clue what it would be, and a part of me thought I would never figure it out.
However, I forced myself to just keep putting one word after another. Somewhere in the flow, the words started to come out right, and I was able to say, Yes, there it is. It really amazes me how that works, how much the act of writing, despite any doubts or fears, is an act of inspiration itself. So, I have another scene down that needs serious editing, but that works. Now, I've just got to get the other half of the story written. Words to page. Words to the page. (Or screen. As the case may be.)
Other really good news? My poem should be up at Chizine any day now. I'll be sure to let you know. :)
Goals for the Week:
-- continue to make progress on the story (actually finishing would be triple bonus points)
-- do 3-4 marathon training days
-- post a youtube video
-- art, doesn't matter what, but something
marathon training,
weekly update,