(no subject)

Mar 06, 2008 20:27

It's been a busy week. Mom's been under the weather so I've spent a lot of time with her. She wasn't sleeping so they adjusted some meds and put her on a different sleeping pill and now she's like a zombie during the day. Which has lead to more adjustments in the hope of getting her to the point that she can sleep more than an hour or two a night but still function during the day. I feel like I need a chauffer cap since the last two days have been spent driving her places since I don't trust her to get behind the wheel when she's having trouble walking to the bathroom in a straight line. Let's just say she's walking kind of like Rodney flies the puddle jumper. *g* Of course of more concern is the amount of water she's retaining. Even with putting her on Lassix she's gained a couple of pounds every day. She sees the cardiologist on Tuesday and they'll do tests to see if her two leaky valves have gotten worse. Since water retention is a sign of congestive heart failure I have the sinking feeling we're looking at heart surgery. I've been wrong before and I hope I'm wrong now, but it's hard to be optimistic at this point. Of course if she does need surgery and it goes well then she could eventually feel better than she has in years once she recuperates. This would be a good thing.

Anyway, besides mom it's been a busy week. The guy who was supposed to come and clean my carpets a month ago finally came today. Getting ready for him was exhausting but the results are spectacular...if expensive. Having cats with a penchant for throwing up fur balls willy nilly, along with the fact that it's been over two years since I had the carpets cleaned, meant I had to fork over more money than I would have liked. Still, the end result is fabulous and I can honestly say it was money well spent.

Over the past year I've spent more nights at mom's than usual. It's annoying in that her cable sucks and the bedroom I stay in doesn't have a television. So earlier this week I went to Best Buy to check out their portable DVD players. I walked out with a nice Phillips model that not only plays a ton of different potential DVD files but also will dock with my iPod and play any iTunes video files I have. This is a good thing and it makes me happy. If nothing else I can keep myself entertained at her house watching a screen significantly larger than the size of my iPod. Hey, I'm 50 with 50 year old eyes. But a part of me is thinking that if she does end up needing surgery I can do a marathon of videos in the waiting room and later in her room while she sleeps. Hmmm. Maybe I need to burn some stuff from my computer to DVD over the weekend.

Anything else going on with me? Well, I got my MediaWest room assignment so I'm all set for MediaWest. Part of me wonders if spending the money to fly to Lansing, Michigan is the best use of my money, but the other part of me thinks about all the people I'd get to see and figures it's definitely worth the moola.

Oh, did I mention how much I hate ardent_muses? First she gets hooked on NASCAR thanks to reading the SGA NASCAR AU and now she's got *me* watching NASCAR. If I'm not careful I'll be buying Skoal and backcombing my hair and using huge amounts of Aqua Net. It's a slippery slope my friends, and she's got me sliding down that pole at speed-of-light speeds. Of course, I don't *really* hate her, but I like to tell her I do. *g*

