(no subject)

Aug 04, 2007 16:15

My mother just called to see if I was coming over for dinner tonight. She's going out with a friend so it's not like she's on her own. I spent all day Wednesday with her (it was her bday) so it's not like I haven't seen her. Yet she sounded disappointed that I wasn't coming. *sigh* I will not feel guilty for choosing to have a life of my own every so often.

It's easier not to feel guilty when the rest of the conversation was her filling me in on the horrors of the internet. The woman shouldn't be allowed to watch Oprah. Yesterday's show was on internet scams. Apparently these really smart women got scammed even though they were really, really careful so this means I should never buy anything off the internet or look at my email because otherwise I'm going to be scammed. I explained to her that I was extremely careful but then she got pissy with me. Her words were, "I don't know why I bother to say anything to you because you know everything already." Well, no, I don't know everything but I know a hell of a lot more about the workings of the internet than she does, no matter how much Oprah she watches. Plus, you know, she really liked her birthday gift and she sure wouldn't have gotten it if I hadn't ordered it online. Argh! I love her, but she can really drive me up a wall.

Sorry for the rant. Let's see...anything interesting in my life? Nope. Same old, same old.

I know a lot of people are setting up alternates journal sites and I'm a lemming. Plus I'd hate to lose my name. So yeah. I've been on journalfen forever, though I don't really use it. I got a greatest journal account a couple years ago when the lure of a thousand icons seemed to be pulling people that way. So today I staked my claim on insane journal. I honestly don't see a huge permanent fannish migration. I'd like to think most of fandom is as lazy and not interested in making big changes as I am. However, if that migration does happen at least I get to be bluster wherever we go. *g*

Well, I should get back to work. I'm doing a deep cleaning in the kitchen. Why? Because I'm insane. I get this crazy idea that I should reorganize the kitchen and the next thing I know I've pulled everything out of the cupboard and am washing glasses I had forgotten I had so I can put them back until the next time. I should throw half of this crap away but you never know when you might need that huge stainless steel bowl to make food for a small army. *sigh* I wish I wasn't such a pack rat some days.

