Mom rant ahead...

Jun 09, 2006 11:27

Bud's back in the hospital. I knew this last night because Kim, the home health worker called and told me. I knew mom would call me eventually, when she had something to tell me. She and Bud are both very private and I've come to understand how she does things and to accept it, even when I think it's completely whacked. So I figure I'll hear from her around 11am because when Bud's been in the hospital before that's about the time she leaves the hospital to go run errands and get some lunch. I was off by 15 minutes. I guess they're going to do yet another colonoscopy to try to figure out what's going on. He's continued to have bleeding for the past three weeks and has had three transfusions. I'm not really supposed to know about the first one, but again thanks to Kim I know.

The thing is, I think I've been really good at giving mom her space and not getting pissed at her for not telling me everything that's been going on. I understand that she's scared and talking aobut it makes it real and that she needs to just be able to handle things in her own way in order to get through this. But I have my limits. As she's telling me that Bud's in the hospital and minimizing what happened last night to put him there she mentions that she's having a different surgeon do the colonoscopy this time. I merely asked if they were thinking they might have to operate and she went completely postal. She told me that I was getting way ahead of myself and why would I say that and on and on and on. Thankfully I did not go postal back at her. I tried to point out that she was the one who mentioned surgeons and she had told me if they didn't heal they might have to do surgery. *sigh*

I know the way she is. I'm not going to change her. I know she's frightened and she knows that if they can't get this figured out he'll die because Bud can't survive another surgery. But that doesn't make it any easier to deal with her. Which means that I rant on my LJ so I don't pull a RayK and kick her in the head.

rant, mom, bud
