Alright apparently it's meme night.

Dec 05, 2005 21:19

1. My username is ____ because ____.
2. My journal is titled ____ because ____.
3. My subtitle is ____ because ____.
4. My friends page is called ____ because ____.
5. My default userpic is ____ because ____.

1. Blushingaurora. I hate my name, and I like the name aurora. I was trying to get a username but everything was taken. So I started throwing random words in with aurora. And then "blushingaurora" worked. And since people online knew me as blushingaurora, here I am on lj.
2.Musings of the Pain Ninja- because I apparently don't know my own strenght some times and cause Sean (Treadstone71)a lot of pain. aglaeca and andante825 will remember that day at the zoo when I accidentally hit Sean so loud the entire zoo heard it reverberate.
3.Subtitle? You can have a subititle? I'm not good with the technology. I took me eight months to get an icon on StarDom.
4.My friends page is called fellow ninjas cause it goes with the ninja theme.
5.This one of vamp willow licking real Willow's ear, cause I love Buffy and this one involves the very hot Alyson Hannigan. Twice.

Also, I mailed off my christmas cards today. They went in the slot after work, so they won't really be on their way until tomorrow am. I hope they get to those of you in the states and across seas in time. I meant to have them out on the first, but the play got in the way. Those of you in this list, keep an eye out: boobie_tassels, andante825 and aglaeca, nora1980, crsty1961, theshapeshifter, aint_no_damsel_, domesticatedsag, dajetotown.
If you missed the chance to get in on zee fun, there's an earlier entry where you can leave your addess, or email me at
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