Strike! Strike!

Dec 04, 2005 20:11

In work news, my cubicle now has a coat tree. Wee!

The play closed last night, and today we took down the set and packed up the props. One of the props is an old looking book that the child in play looks through on stage. In theatre it doesn't really matter what the book is about, since the title can't be seen from the audience, it just has to look right. So today as we were packing up, I randomly picked up the old looking book. I wasn't in charge of props, and hadn't really payed much attention to them, so it was at this point that I realized that every night the ten year old girl we had playing Medea's son was reading "A Sexual History of the Jews" or according to the spine, in large black letters,"Erotica Judaica".
Not quite appropriate for a ten year old.
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