THIS POST IS GOING TO BE SOMEWHAT TMI. You have been duly warned. Please do not proceed further if discussion of sickly digestive problems is undesirable in your daily LJ readings? D:
So on Tuesday began the horror. I spent half the night rolling around fitfully because my stomach felt horrid, until finally it was 6am and I needed to get up.
I took Gravol but I decided to continue holding vigil next to the toilet because my body very clearly said, "This morning shan't bode well for thee; thou hast duly been warned."
You know, I'm always kind of amazed by how the body preps itself for hurling. LIKE HOLY DROOLING SALIVA SECRETION SPEED BATMAN.
But it's still gross and I haven't puked in years and had forgotten the nasty feeling of it. |:
On the other hand, I managed to still get to school on time for a resume critique, get a request for an interview mid-way, and then survive class and get home without any further incident. Sure I felt like crap, but no further incident!
Ah, t'was short-lived.
And so, that day and night after school, and yesterday after school, as well as today (after school, quelle surprise), has been punctuated by repeated voidings of my bowel contents by means other than puking.
On the one hand, it's nice that my body waits for my daily school engagements to be out of the way before giving me a run for my money (in a manner of speaking), but after 3 days, it's also quite clear that my body no longer wants me to eat and that doesn't seem particularly good in the long term. Quite the conundrum.
In related news, lukewarm sports beverages taste terrible.