Mar 14, 2008 11:40

Procrastinating~ :D And bopping along to some of the music fitzthemighty sent my way. X3

OH! AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY evil_and_ennui! ♥

What is your LiveJournal username? How did you come up with it?
bluntedge. Uh... twiggy and all derivatives thereof were taken and nobody called me twigsley or twigglesworth yet (lol, not gonna make those accounts now that LJ is being even more of a douche), so I wracked my brains for like a day and came up with this because I was/am all, "lol, oxymorons are fun."

Have you renamed before? If so, what were your old names? If you haven't renamed, what names would you want to rename to?
Nope and... I'd change to twiggy if there wasn't some retarded dead account sitting on that username still. Possibly change to twigglesworth...

How much does your userinfo say about you?
Uh. That I seem overly fond of comic characters. Oh, and I talk too much.

How long have you been on LiveJournal?
TOO LONG. Actually, in less than a week I'll have been here for like 4 years. :x

What is the longest amount of time you've gone without posting?
... like, a week or two? D: *ASHAMED*

On average, how many entries do you post per day? (Divide how many total entries you have by how many days you've been on LJ.)
Screw math. I know I practically update every day.

What are your posts normally about?
Moanwhinebitchwoeismeschoolsuckslololol. Damn, I'm boring. D:

Is your LiveJournal friends only? Why or why not?
No. Because I know I'm not stalk-worthy so why bother defending against a nonexistent threat? Besides, my family is computer-illiterate enough to not see anything that might be remotely incriminating. Also, if I don't think it belongs on the internet, it'll probably stay off the internet anyway?

Does your LiveJournal have an actual title or are you merely USER @ LiveJournal?
Usually it has a title to match whatever layout I have up. :x

How long do you see yourself staying on LiveJournal?
UNTIL THE END OF TIME. Or until LJ becomes too much of a douche and nobody wants to stay here anymore. I'd totally spring for a permanent account if I could :x


How many people are on your friendslist, not counting private journals, media journals, etc?
I'm guessing... 50. Most of the LJs on my flist are dead, actually. So um. Maybe less? :x

Why do you choose to add a person to your friendslist?
They are awesome, and they tolerate me enough to want to add me? Or something? I don't really know. D:

Is your friendslist an actual list of people you consider friends, or more of a reading list?

How often do you read your friendslist?
... too often.

Do you use filters when viewing your friendslist?
Friendship should not be filtered!!! Okay, no, I'm just really lazy about things like filters. And I read everything on my flist anyway so whatever. :/

How much do you talk to people on your friendslist off of LiveJournal?
For most people, not that often? I mean. For one, a lot of people on my flist seem to be like me. In other words, they wait for people to ping them first or whatever on IM. :x And then there's the part where I'm totally uncool and fail at conversation, and then there's the part where I'm a hermit, so... *social failure*

Do you do friends cuts? Why or why not?
No, because I am too willynilly like that and would rather have people cut me. Hence, all the dead LJs on the flist. D|

Do you regularly participate in friending memes? If not, how do you normally find people to friend?
Nope. :x Somehow I just run into them. Or they run into me. I don't know how D: YAY FOR FATEFUL ENCOUNTERS?

How often do you add new friends to your friendslist?
Not often. :x

Do your friends have to have things in common with you?
Well, technically yes. We have to at least have some kind of personality trait or whatever in common, otherwise we would not get along very well, would we? :D I mean, a lot of my flist is involved with fandoms or whatever that I'm not into, doesn't mean I don't like them or want them off my flist. D:


How many userpics do you get maximum? How many of those slots do you actually use?
89/105, thanks to hypaethral :Dv

Do you mostly use icons made by yourself or by others?
Used to be mostly my own, but now I usually yoink other people's iconage. :x

Do you have your own icon community? How often do you post in it?
No. :x

What fandoms are most frequently seen in your userpics?
... if "miscellany" is a fandom, they would win out. :D" Moyashimon is dominating in sheer numbers right now, but that's only because microbes are adorable. X3

How do you find icons to use?
General communities about my interests usually have people posting with icons, and then if I see someone with an awesome icon I link hop to find more awesome icons 8D

How often do you upload new icons to use in your userpics?
Um... every once in a while. I don't know. D:

Which of your userpics do you use the most?
Default? :x

Which of your userpics do you like the most?
... hmm... I'll just say default because I can't decide. XD

The old minimum number of userpics was three. Could you see yourself "surviving" on three userpics now?

What do your userpics say about you?
I like stock photos. I also seem to like comics. I don't seem to like real human beings very much. D:


How many fandom communities are you a part of?
Um. A few? Only as a lurker though, I have to admit. D8

Do you join fanfic or icon communities or only the general communities?
Usually just general ones, since fic and icons will appear there most of the time anyway.

How many fandom communities do you moderate?
Er... none that are alive, so basically none. :3

How often do you check fandom communities for new posts?
If they're on my flist, I'll see them whenever they update? With communities like scans_daily I only check them when I remember or I'm bored. :/

Do you contribute to fandom? If so, by way of what?
Uh... I used to contribute more to w-inds. fandom, but now, not so much. u_u;

Which fandoms are you most active in?
None in particular right now :x

What do your choice of fandoms say about you?
lol, so very stereotypical Asian lah. *shot*

Do you make friends based on fandom?
That's how it used to happen. XD Not so much now.

Have you ever read (or been featured on) fandom_wank?
Wank is always tl;dr.

What is one thing you wish you could change about fandom?
Crazy, obsessive people and the really really unintelligent ones can exit stage right kthnx. :x

1) Full Name: Twiggy [____ ____] Yu. You're not getting my supposed 'middle' name if you don't already know it. >_>;

2) Male/Female: Technically female. But in reality, pubescent 13 year-old male considering that I fit into their clothes and my voice still cracks regularly. x_x;

3) Were you named after anyone: ... do I REALLY need to explain? D: TWIGGY. *points at default icon*

4) Does your name mean anything: Adjective pertaining to the state of being like, and/or containing, small branches. :/

5) Nick Name(s): Twig, Twigs, Twigsley, Twigglesworth, Twigster, Tree, Stick, Treestick, Stickbranch... the list goes on, really.

6) What do you think you look like: Like a demi-god. Like a meat bun. :Dv

7) Date of Birth: June 14th.

8) Place of Birth and Current Location: Hong Kong, in Toronto right now. :x

9) Nationality: Very Chinese lolol.

10) Astrology Sign: Gemini. Because as my Gemini Garfield bookmark says, "Twins are twice the fun" or something.

11) Chinese Astrology: Dragon. Because dragons are totally badass zodiac signs.

12) Religion: Technically Roman Catholic, in practise a mishmash of Catholicism, traditional Chinese folk religion, and a weird sort of bent religious view that has been shaped in part due to the webcomic Sinfest. Hard to explain.

13) What's your favourite smell: Freshly baked or cooked food homg.

14) Political Position: ... uh... standing between liberal and conservative, I guess, since I have no opinion? D:

15) What do you prefer to drink in the morning: Milk.

16) Hair+Eye colour: Black, brown. Boring, in other words.

17) Do you look like anyone famous: Nope. ):

18) What do you look like: I already answered this. A meat bun.

19) Any unusual talents: The ability to fail inordinately at life? :D

20) Righty, Lefty, or Ambidextrous: Righty!

21) Gay, Straight, Bi, or Other: ... wait, what does "other" entail?

22) What do you do for a living: Nothing. D8

23) What do you do for fun: Draw, internets, read, video games, stare at my fish, take photos. :d

24) What kind of material do you like to use: ... wtf is this question asking about? D:

25) What kind of materials would you like to work with: ... again, wtf?

26) Have you met your grandparents: Yes.

27)Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Nope. Internet girlfriend? *eyes hypaethral*


29) What celebrity would you date if you could: ... I still have a thing for Ryuichi. :x

31) Favourite online Guy/Girl(s): ALL OF YOU. ♥

32) Favourite place to be: In bed.

33) Least favourite place to be: In school.

34) Do you burn or tan: Tan?

35) Ever break a bone: Only the ones I'm eating meat off of :x

36) What is your favourite cereal: Honey Nut Cheerios!

37) Person you cry with: Me, myself, and I? :D"

Do You Have...

38) Any sisters: No-nvm, yes. I keep forgetting.

39) Any brothers: Nope.

40) Any pets: 7 goldfish. >_>;;

41) An illness: Chronic procrastination.

42) Pager: ... what.

43) A personal phone line: Nope.

44) A cell phone: One that my friends do not know how to use, because it is so old and has so few functions and no colour screen so they are confused.

45) A visible birthmark: Yeap.

46) A pool or hot tub: Neither? D:

47) A car: Yeap.

Describe Your...

48) Personality: Lame and retarded, mostly. But some people like that about me. :3

49) Driving: Potentially hazardous.

50) Your clothing style: ... gross. :x

51) Room: Overcrowded? XD

52) What's missing: ... a certain fish *coughahem*.


54) Bed: ♥

55) Relationship with your parents: Long distance and quite lovely.

56) Do you believe in yourself: I think, therefore I am. *kicked*

57) Do you believe in love at first sight?: Only with things like toys *__*

58) Consider yourself a good listener: Um. I'm alright when my hearing isn't going on me.

59) Have a future dream that you would like to share: ... I am ashamed that I don't really have a dream right now >_>;

Do you...

60) Get along with your parents: Yeap. Seeing them like twice a year tops really helps because then they spoil me moar.

61) Save your emails: I never delete most of them XD

62) Pray: ... um, only when I want something. :x

63) Believe in reincarnation: Yeah, why not. Eternal bliss probably gets dull otherwise.

64) Brush your teeth twice a day: ... no. *cough*

65) Like to talk on the phone: Yeah, when people call me and I feel like I have something worthwhile to converse about XD"

66) Like to eat: Sometimes.

67) Like to exercise: Not... really... *shamed*

68) Like to watch sports: CURLING. FIGURE SKATING. SPEED SKATING. YEAH. *IS HARDCORE BABY* No, seriously, I like watching those.

69) Sing in a car: ... yes.

70) What is a dream that you have all the time: Don't have one of those. D:

71) Dream in colour: Increasingly.

72) Do you have nightmares: My dreams are usually messed up enough to qualify as both. D:

73) Sleep with a stuffed animal: ... my stuffed animals take up more of my bed than I do.

74) Right next to you: Um. A couple stuffed animals (lol), DS Lite, pencil, eraser, wrist rest thing... a lot of random stuff.

75) On your coffee cup: Lots of flags. Some of which are mislabelled.

76) On your mouse pad: ... I don't have one. D:

77) Your favourite flavour of gum: Original. :D Or peppermint.

78) Your brand of deodorant: Iunno. But it's a men's deodorant. :x

79) Your dream honeymoon spot: Somewhere that is clean, I hope. :D

80) Your dream wife/husband: Hmmm... Ryuichi would still be very nice...

81) Hiding in your closet: I don't want to know.

82) Under your bed: My worldly possessions.

83) The name of your closest/best friend: ... um, let's just point out my cousin Charmaine and leave it at that.

84) Your bad time of day: WAKING UP.


86) What's the weather like: Unpleasant.

87) What's your favourite time of year: Not-winter? :x

88) Your favourite holiday: Christmas is nice. :3

89) A material weakness: TOYS. *__*

90) The weirdest food or drink that you like: ... good question. :/

91) The top of your "to do list": ... all the stuff I've been procrastinating on D8

92) The hardest thing about growing up: EVERYTHING.

93) A pet you want: Um. *WANTS A LOT* A whole menagerie please. 8D

94) Your scariest moment: I can see my cousin laughing about this incident RIGHT NOW. STFU CHARMAINE, I WAS 5 YEARS OLD AND YOU KNOW IT.

95) Your attitude about love: Love is tokubetsu na~♪ Love is taisetsu na~♪ Message-okay, I'll stop with the Jpop now. :x

96) The funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of the opposite sex: ... nothing?

97) The worst feeling in the world: That sinking feeling you get when you know shit is gonna happen.

98) The best feeling in the world: Snuggling around in bed, knowing you don't need to get up for anything X3

99) Who sent this to you: Laurie?

100) 6 people you tag: Nobody is reading this the whole way through, so... YEAH. Tag yourselves. :x

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