A war declaration.

May 15, 2006 19:56

If ANYBODY on my f-list knows of an effective way of eliminating a whole colony of oversized black ants from the core of their underground base---the whereabouts of which are unknown at this time---please share.

They've run rampant in my household every summer for years. They've increased in numbers massively this time though, and are found on ceilings and walls too. I generally let insects live, assuming they do not enter 4 divine areas:

1.) My bedroom.
2.) My bathroom.
3.) My computer (aka. Ogatar's) area.
4.) My own person.

Some 6-legged, hairy, black, insectoid fucker has just committed a most grievous sin by crawling on my hand, after managing to escape my wrath after being found scrabbling about Ogatar's monitor. Assuredly, that sinner has been smited. Smote. Smitten. Whatever the word is, and it has been smited/smote/smitten damn good. Now if I could get that horrid icky creepy feeling from my hands...

This is fucking WAR.

real life, random, ant invasions

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