Five-Minute Flirtations 4/6

Dec 08, 2011 03:30

Five-Minute Flirtations
Verse: XM:FC - AU
Word Count: 15,909
Characters/Pairings - Alex/Hank, (Raven/Janos mentioned)
Beta - the lovely, amazing, fantastic and every word in-between Mondays_eyes - thanks so much hun!!
Rating - PG-13

Summary: Raven convinces Hank to try speed dating. Initially, Hank is quite wary about the whole thing. Once at the bar, the first person he meets is Alex, the bartender. While Alex lends his ear to Hank’s dating woes, the two men grow closer until Hank realizes, maybe speed dating was the best idea Raven has ever had.

The next time Hank arrived at the Dublin Pub it wasn’t Speed Dating Night. Instead it was just a regular night with a couple of waitresses spinning around the room delivering drinks. Hank noticed a few tables even had food and wondered how he didn’t know there was a there kitchen before. Strolling up to the bar, he was relieved to see Alex behind it. “Hey,” Hank said before sitting down on one of the bar stools.

“Hey Hank.” Alex responded cheerily but didn’t immediately come over. There were a few other people sitting at the bar who were higher priority than Hank. While Alex prepared drinks Hank took a look around. In the last couple weeks, Tabitha must have found herself in the holiday spirit and decided to decorate. Black and orange streamers were hung haphazardly from one wall to another. Paper black cats and pumpkins were all over the place. Witches and ghosts hung from the ceiling. There was also a Frankenstein figure on the bar near Hank. When he pressed the button on its stand Frankenstein began to sing The Monster Mash and danced something akin to the hula. Hank heard Alex laugh and tore his eyes away from the toy. Blushing, he realized Alex had watched his curiosity get the best of him to press the button.

“You are not the first, nor will you be the last to wonder exactly what he does.” Alex said as he continued to chuckle. Hank was sure Alex was right, but it didn’t stop him from feeling a little embarrassed. “So what are you doing here tonight bozo?” Alex asked as he cleaned some glasses.

“Oh…um.” Hank sighed. Alex seemed genuinely interested so Hank admitted, “I was stood up.”


“Yeah. Well, not exactly. I was at the restaurant sitting in the booth when Alison texted me. She’s apparently swamped at work and wasn’t going to make it.”

“That blows, dude.” Then Alex got a thoughtful look on his face. “Alison, which one is Alison?”

“Well she’s pretty, tall, short blond hair. She’s the only one you gave an eight, if that helps.” Even though at the break Hank had insisted for Alex to stop, the last time he was there, the younger man had continued to rate the women Hank chatted with. By the end of the evening, Hank didn’t even fight it and found himself looking for Alex’s opinion. He hadn’t always gotten numbers. A few times he’d just gotten a thumbs up or down. And there was one time that Alex looked like he was strangling himself. Hank had found he agreed with Alex’s assessment and had almost mimicked the movement to get away from Emma.

Not remembering, Alex just shrugged and continued his job. At the other end of the bar, a man called for a beer. Rolling his eyes Alex forced a smile on his face before going to fill the request. When he came back, he leaned over the bar and gently knocked Hank on the shoulder. “So we’ll go out tonight. Jono’s coming in soon and we can get out of here. What do you say?”

“Um…” Even though they had chatted a few times, Hank had never imagined spending time outside the bar with the younger man. But really, he couldn’t think of any reason to say no. “Yeah, sure. That sounds good.”

“Cool, man.” Alex slapped Hank on the shoulder again. “Just give me a little bit and we can figure out where to go. I’m guessing you didn’t stay at the restaurant and have dinner.”

“Nope,” Hank shook his head. “I didn’t like the pitying look the waitress kept giving me.”

“Aww, poor baby.” Alex snickered. “Okay, well I know a great Greek place. You eat Greek?”

“Uh, sure.” Hank couldn’t remember the last time he’d had it but remembered enjoying it. Alex’s suggestions made Hank realize he needed to eat out a little more frequently.

“Awesome.” Alex called over his shoulder as he walked to the other end of the bar. Hank watched Alex work, impressed at how the bartender could multitask. He watched Alex make small talk, mix drinks, and start/close tabs. Alex took care of the people at the bar and never made any of the waitresses wait long for their orders. It was easy to see that Alex had been doing this job for a long time and had developed an efficient ease to his movements. Hank found himself staring the majority of the time before Jono arrived.

“I’ve heard about you,” Jonothon said with an easy smile after Alex had introduced him.

“Yeah?” Hank questioned uneasily. If Alex had said anything bad about him, Jonothon, who was the size of a linebacker, could easily break Hank in two.

“Yup. Alex keeps going on about this cute geek he met and now I can put a face to the name.”

“Uh…” Hank blushed, now sure that he was being teased.

Jonothon just smiled in return. He looked like the Cheshire Cat, like he knew something Hank didn’t.

“Uh…” Hank said again. Before the Jonothon could say anything else, Alex came back from helping one of the waitresses. Alex ushered the other man behind the bar to talk shop. Minutes later Jonothon was settled in, Alex had collected his tips and Hank found himself being lead to the exit.

“Come on, we can take my car.” Alex said as he headed down the block. “Then I can drive you back here to get your car.

“Oh that’s ok. I’ll just follow you. I don’t want to put you out.”

“Eh, no worries; I told Jono I’d come back to help him with inventory. So I’ll have to come back here either way.” Hank shrugged and followed Alex to his black SUV. Climbing in, Hank felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. Once he was buckled in his seat he pulled it out to see who it was. The engine thrummed to life and muffled Hank’s sigh. Still, Alex must have noticed Hank’s attitude change and asked, “What’s up bozo?”

“It’s Bridget.” Hank shut the text message and shoved his phone back in his pocket.

“Bridget, the boring one?”

“Yup that’s the one. She texts me every so often, telling me her schedule so we can see each other again.”

“But you’re not interested.”

“Not in the slightest.” Hank sighed again. “After we went out she texted me a bunch the following week. My phone even went off when I was in class, which is really embarrassing when you are constantly reminding your students to shut their phones off or put them on silent. And the texts are awkward too: about how smart I must be and how cute she thinks I am.” Hank frowned. “As many times as I tell her I am unavailable, she keeps contacting me.”

“Yeah well, some girls are slow on the uptake.” Alex turned and gave Hank a quick grin.

“So…” Hank felt his lips turn up at Alex’s smile. Ready to move onto a different topic, Hank asked, “What do you do when you’re not at the bar?”

“Well, I do some construction work during the days to keep busy. Plus, I need the income.” Alex paused before continuing, “It’s just me and my little brother. Our parents were killed my freshman year of college. Scott was 11. He was going to end up in the system. I couldn’t, “ Hank noticed Alex’s grip on the steering wheel tightened. “I couldn’t let that happen. So I dropped out of school and started working. We’ve had our ups and downs. Child services checked in on us a bunch in the beginning. You know, an 18 year old taking care of an 11 year old isn’t ideal. But,” Alex relaxed back in his seat slightly. “We made it work, make it work.”

“I’m sorry for your loss.” Hank said after a moment. Alex seemed so carefree at the bar that this new information didn’t mesh well with the persona Hank had come up with. When he thought of Alex, which was more than he’d like to admit, he figured the younger man worked to make some extra pocket change. Apparently he’d been right. But before, Hank had assumed Alex was a student, going to school on his parents’ dime. “Wait,” Hank was suddenly puzzled. “You said Scott was 11. And he’s a senior now. So he must 17 if you’re still his guardian. How old are you?”

“Ah,” Alex let out a laugh. “You’ve been taken in by the baby face. I’m 24, dude.”

“Oh,” Hank said. He turned in his seat to get a better look at Alex’s face.

“I’m lucky. Even with all the time I spend out in the sun, I still have the face of a teenager. What about you, how old are you?”


“And yet you dress like an old man.”

“Hey!” Hank sat straighter in his seat. “I do not.”

“Yeah you do bozo. Yeah, you do. What 25-year-old wears sweater vests and ties? And the glasses, dude. Come on. We’re in the 21st century. It’s time for contacts. And you’ve got nice eyes. No point in hiding them behind some frames.”

“Eh,” Hank smiled at the compliment but then grimaced. “I hate sticking my fingers in my eyes. Besides, I like my glasses.” Hank reached up and touched the frames. “And it’s called being professional. I spend 40 hours in a high school. I can’t wear jeans and a t-shirt to work.”

“Whatever, bozo. It’s Friday night and you were supposed to be on a date. And yet I still see a tie underneath that jacket.”

“I’m still in my work clothes. I had a faculty meeting and never got a chance to change.” Hank muttered and crossed his arms over his chest.

“Don’t be a baby,” Alex laughed as he pulled the car into a parking lot.

Hank looked out the window and realized they had arrived at the restaurant. The blue neon lights on The Greek Corner’s sign called to him and he quickly exited the car. Hank hadn’t even eaten any bread while he’d waited for Alison. He was hungry. Hank followed Alex into the restaurant. He murmured a quick, “Thanks,” when Alex held the door for him.

“So I admit, I may have had an ulterior motive in bringing you here.” Alex said as the hostess lead them to a table. Hank quirked an eyebrow and waited for Alex to continue. “See, the squirt works here and when I can, I like to come in and bug him.” It didn’t take Hank long to realized Alex was talking about his brother. Both men sat down. Hank took his jacket off and hung it on the back of his chair. “We might not even get to see him. He’s a busboy and he might be busy in the kitchen.”

While Hank glanced at the menu, Alex kept a vigilant eye out for his brother. When Scott finally did appear, Alex made a whooping sound that caused Hank to jump. Embarrassed, Hank looked around at the other restaurant patrons. No one had even glanced in their direction. Looking over, it was easy to see the two were brothers. Alex and Scott had similar facial features, though Scott’s hair was a few shades darker. Scott was holding a bin that he started to fill with dirty plates. Instead of going over to the table, he jerked his head in greeting and continued to work.

“He’s a good kid.” Alex said suddenly. “Wants to go to college next year. So he’s working now and applying to every scholarship he can get his hands on.”

“That’s a good plan.” Hank smiled. “Does he know what he wants to do?”

“Nah. He’ll go in undeclared and figure it out later. We Summerses aren’t big planners. We’re more ‘fly by the seat of our pants’ guys. You,” Alex pointed in Hank’s direction, “You’re a planner.”

“Yes, I am.” Hank agreed. “I always knew that I wanted to teach. So I made a four-year plan and worked my butt off in school. That’s why I didn’t know what training wheels were.”

Alex broke out in laughter. “You really missed out, dude. I had so much fun my one semester at school. I went to parties every weekend. Woke up on someone’s lawn on homecoming weekend. Don’t really remember much of the night before but, yup, I woke up on someone’s lawn.” Alex got a far away look as he remembered his party days.

A waitress came over to take their order. After she walked away, Hank said, “Okay, tell me what else I missed out on.”

“Well, what about drunk one night stands?” Hank shook his head. “Really, never had one of those either? Jeez, I don’t think I was even a month into school when I woke up in this Sorority House. One of the pledges was next to me,” Alex put his hand out to his left. “And her boyfriend was on my other.” He put his other hand out to his right. “If I remember correctly, the pledge and her boyfriend broke up pretty soon after. And,” Alex started to laugh. “Somehow her panties ended up on the stuck to the ceiling. Oh her face was priceless. Still have no idea how they got up there. Even standing on the bed, the boyfriend and I couldn’t reach the ceiling to get them down. For all I know, they’re still there.” Alex laughed harder; little tears welled up in his laugh lines.

“No,” Hank paused when the waitress returned with their drinks and food. He couldn’t believe how fast it came out. “I never did anything like that.”

“Okay then, what did you do?” Alex asked around a mouthful of gyro.

After taking a bite of his own chicken gyro, Hank said, “Well, I joined clubs. With them and classes, I was busy. Let’s see, I was in the science club all four years and junior and senior year I was club president. Through the science club, I was a tutor and I worked with underclassmen several times a week. I was also part of the chess club.” Alex laughed at that, choking on his food a little bit. Ignoring the laughter and subsequent choking, Hank continued, “When I was a senior I became a member of Phi Kappa Phi which is an academic Fraternity. And each spring break I helped out with Habitat for Humanity. So I was busy.”

“Did you ever drink?”

“Of course I did, just not to the point that I would black out and/or wake up someplace other than my own bed. I had fun in school, really,” Hank insisted.

“We just have very different versions of fun.”

“It would appear so.”

“Well are you having fun now?” Alex questioned before popping a fry into his mouth.

“Yes,” Hank nodded. “I am.”

“Cause I’m awesome.”

Hank snorted and rolled his eyes. But internally he agreed.

Eventually Scott made his way over to the table. He pulled a chair from another table next to the two top and sat down. Stealing some fries off his brother’s plate, Scott smirked at Hank and said hello.

“So you’re the nerd I keep hearing about.”

“Guess so,” Hank shot Alex an odd look. Was Alex really talking about him so much that Jonothon and Scott felt the need to say something? They had only seen each other a couple of times before.

Alex reached over and slapped his brother on the back of his head. “Dude, shut your pie hole.” Scott rolled his eyes and returned fire, hitting Alex on the arm. “So what time do you get off tonight? I gotta go back to work to help Jono with inventory but you can come with, nap in one of the booths before we head home.”

“I’m here till closing. So I won’t be done till midnight. But I thought you and Jono were both tending tonight? Don’t you guys get busy on the weekends?”

“No,” Alex said slowly, his eyes narrowed at Scott. “I’m just helping with inventory.” When Scott put his hands up in defense Alex asked, “You mind staying?” and glanced back at Hank.

Hank looked at his watch and then shrugged his shoulders. He was having fun hanging out and all he had waiting for him at home was homework. Hank’s phone vibrated in his pants. Pulling it out, Hank frowned.

“Boring Bridget again?” Alex asked. Then he pulled his plate away from Scott to save the rest of his fries for himself. When Hank nodded he held out his hand. “Give it to me.” Shrugging again, Hank handed it over. If Alex could get Bridget to stop, he’d be thrilled.

While Alex fiddled with the phone, Hank turned to Scott. “So I hear you’re looking into colleges.”

“Yeah,” Scott nodded. “Looking around. We’ll see what happens.”

“Have you gone on any tours?”

“Naw, just did some searching online. Went to some school sites and looked around.”

“Well, if you need some help,” Hank paused when Alex handed him back his phone. “I’d be happy to help you. Every year some students come to me with questions or ask me to write them letters of recommendation. So I’d be happy to help you too.”

“Thanks, man,” Scott clapped Hank on the shoulder. “I appreciate it.” Looking back at his brother, Scott grinned and said, “You’ve got pretty good taste, dude.” For a quick second, Alex looked mortified. Alex reached over to hit his brother again but Scott jumped back from the table. “Gotta get back to work. See ya.” He headed back towards the kitchen.

“Just ignore him,” Alex smiled awkwardly. “Really don’t listen to a word he says.”

“Sure... no problem.”


Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

raven, au, slash, big bang, alex summers, xm:fc, fanfiction, hank mccoy, pg-13

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