Five-Minute Flirtations
cylinVerse: XM:FC - AU
Word Count: 15,909
Characters/Pairings - Alex/Hank, (Raven/Janos mentioned)
Beta - the lovely, amazing, fantastic and every word in-between Mondays_eyes - thanks so much hun!!
Rating - PG-13
Summary: Raven convinces Hank to try speed dating. Initially, Hank is quite wary about the whole thing. Once at the bar, the first person he meets is Alex, the bartender. While Alex lends his ear to Hank’s dating woes, the two men grow closer until Hank realizes, maybe speed dating was the best idea Raven has ever had.
“So admit it,” Raven gently elbowed Hank in his side, “It wasn’t as bad as you thought it would be.”
“I don’t know about that. It may have actually been worse.” Hank took his glasses off and wiped the frames on his sleeve. Putting them back on, he frowned at Raven.
“Oh please! I know for a fact that three different women gave you their number, so how could that possibly be bad?”
“Well let’s see,” Hank counted on his fingers, “During the first break, Bridget, the first girl I spoke to, gave me her number. She talks a mile a minute, but I guess that’s not too bad. I might actually call her. Then there was Julia, who kept telling me about her nine million animals. Yes, I think going out with her would be great for my allergies. And there was Vanessa; she also seemed nice enough. But did you see her? She was in a green dress.” Raven nodded that she had and Hank continued, “Well did you see the giant mole on her chin? I’m sorry if that makes me just another shallow guy, but that thing was a complete turn-off.”
“But you just said she was nice. Maybe you’d get used to it?”
“Would you get used to it, Raven?”
Pausing, Raven frowned. “Yeah, probably not. But still, you could try.” Hank opened his mouth but Raven stopped him. “Okay, never mind. You’re right. I probably wouldn’t try.” She held up her hands defensively. “But this isn’t about me, it’s about you.”
Hank sighed. Sure, Raven was right. The night hadn’t been as terrible as he’d expected it to be, but it wasn’t a picnic either. So many of the people had seemed so desperate to meet someone that Hank hadn’t known how to respond to simple questions. One woman had started their conversation with how many children he wanted to have. Completely freaked out, Hank had almost fled the table. Instead he’d managed to croak an, “I don’t know,” that was obviously not the answer the woman was looking for.
“Oh hey, I met your friend.”
“My friend?” Hank asked as he pulled his jacket closed. Fall had just started, but already the heat of summer was a distant memory. The chilly air, in direct contrast to the warmth of the bar, bit at him. Even with a sweater and jacket, goosebumps broke out on Hank’s arms.
“Yeah, the bartender.” Raven wiggled her eyebrows at him. “Mmm, he looked good when I was sitting down. But up close and personal,” She scrunched up her face in an expression Hank couldn’t quite describe. He thought she was trying for seductive, but she came off rather constipated instead. “He was delectable. Positively yummy, really. If he wasn’t gay, I would totally go after him.”
“One, gay has never stopped you before. And two, how could you possibly know that?” They had reached Raven’s car and Hank propped himself against it even though it only made him colder.
“Please, I always know.” Raven leaned over to kiss Hank on the cheek. Some of her lipstick must have smeared because she reached up and rubbed his cheek. Then with a smirk she said, “Anyway, call Bridget, or the one with lots of pets. Or call mole girl…” She trailed off. “Eh, just call all three. It can’t hurt you to try. It’ll just lighten your wallet a little.”
“I don’t know, on my teacher’s salary, that could hurt me a lot.”
“Ha ha, you are so funny. Call them,” Raven demanded before pulling out her car keys. Hank moved away from the car to stand on the sidewalk as Raven got into her driver’s seat. “See you at work.” She blew a few kisses to him before shutting her door. The engine thrummed to life and Hank waved as the VW Bug drove away. Heading further down the block to his own car, Hank mulled over Raven’s order. It wouldn’t kill him to take her advice and put himself out there.
A light in the corner of his eye drew his attention. Hank turned to see Alex standing in the alley behind the bar, lighting up a cigarette. Awkwardly Hank halted mid-step and smiled at the bar tender.
Alex flicked his cigarette and said, “Let me just say that your friend is one fine-looking lady.”
“Yeah, she just said the same about you. I mean, uh-” Hank stuttered, wanting to kick himself. “She said you were hot. Delectable, actually, is the word I think she used.” Alex licked his lips and Hank felt his own mouth go dry. “Anyhow…” Hank dug his hands into his jacket pockets. “I thought you’d be doing inventory now, since everyone headed out.”
“Yeah, I started. But Tabitha doesn’t like when I,” Alex waved his cig, “Smoke inside. You know, since it’s illegal in the state and all that. Eh,” His shoulders sagged. “I shouldn’t be doing this anyway. Promised my little brother I’d quit. But I think he’d forgive me tonight. That guy I pointed out earlier, the nervous one,” Hank nodded remembering the bald man who’d poured his drink all over the bar. “Well he spilled three more drinks. Two on the floor and one on the lovely Jubilee.”
“You remember everyone’s name?”
“No,” Alex laughed at the question. The laugh lines on Alex’s face crinkled and Hank stared at the small indents. “I just know our repeat offenders. Jubilee has been coming on and off, more often on, for the last couple years. She’s a sweetheart. One of these days she’s gonna meet a guy who deserves her. What about you? How was your search for love? I’m guessing a guy like you managed to get some interest from the ladies.” Alex laughed again.
“Well… I got a few numbers. So I guess we’ll see what happens.” Hank shrugged, not sure what Alex meant by ‘a guy like him’.
“Gotcha, good luck,” Alex winked. Then he took one more long drag from his cig. “Well, I gotta head back inside. Inventory isn’t going to do itself.” He dropped the butt onto the alley pavement. Nudging a brick out of the way, he headed back into the bar through the alley door.
“Hope you get your forgiveness.” Hank called out before the door slammed shut. Immediately he bit his tongue over the stupid comment. Why would he say something stupid like that, he berated himself? He grimaced when he saw a hand jet out to keep the door from slamming shut.
Poking his head out, Alex looked at Hank strangely for a moment. Sure he was going to get told off, Hank took a half step back, desperate to get to his car. “I’m sorry, that was totally rude of me.” Hank apologized.
“Nah, it’s cool,” Alex smirked and shook his head. “Night-“
“Hank. My name’s Hank.”
“Okay,” Alex smirked again. “Night, Hank.” Then he disappeared back inside the Dublin Pub, leaving Hank alone in the cold. Scratching his head at the odd encounter, Hank continued his way to his car, eager to get inside and turn the heat on full blast.
Continue Part 1