den sternen sind wir gleich
an: it's tiny, but, well, baby steps and stuff?
cw: idk there's a swear word in here??
prompt by
nameonehero won't you pick me up and put my feet on solid ground?
it's nothing, he says except that it is and it's a lie, but that's just how it is, and he knows it.
tamen says no way the same moment roslyn says philja, you can tell us, and philja just wants to be gone gone gone because he can’t explain, he doesn’t have any words and it wouldn’t change anything anyways - but then roslyn takes his hand and suddenly everything vanishes.
her fingers are warm and fragile in his and they are so soft, and if he said anything his voice would break, so he keeps quiet. his eyes automatically wander to tamen and he wishes they wouldn't because he's so fucking scared of what he might see, but then he looks at him and that fear gone as well because his expression is so him, it's like everything's okay, just for this moment.
tamen takes philja's other hand and he's home, and maybe it's easy, after all; maybe it's alright.