I realized about five seconds ago that Marcus doesn't read this shit anymore. So. Here we are.
Last night, Marcus and I agreed that drugs were okay if they were done not in excess. Whatever. There was mescaline and salvia, and then Marcus was like "pleeeeeeeeeeeeease let me be a worthless stonerboy. I said no, and he continued to beg. I hope Alicia takes him. That's not the important part. The important part is this:
After this annoyance, I went to meet some people and dink around with some paint. So we went on our mission and marked up some shit. It was amazing that they even talked to me after whatever the fuck Marcus said on the phone the other day with Bear. From that, somebody got hurt, and I was probably at fault. Anyway, everything was going great from there until Bear showed up. I don't have any bruises, and I should be okay. Marcus will never carry my cellphone again.
Long story short, I lost one of Faye's socks.
"It was amphetamine enduced sex, but they don't know that. You said it was good, what the fuck else matters. Like they give a shit about what you think of their addiction to mental retardation."
There is... shall we say... a shit load of exciting different drugs exploding out of the wood work in this town. There is Love Me, China White, Red Nose, Black Beauty, and Sleeping Mary. Of these, about a fifth of it came from the beautiful state of Ohio. Alot of deals were made and some were broken. Love Me is back in full swing; just like those few years ago. I hope history doesn't completely repeat itself. Judging by last night; things are trying to fix up that way.
"GHB is what people use when they build up a tolerance to E, but don't use her as an example because she's just insane. Oh yeah, and it's the date-rape-drug. But, that's only for white males who can't get laid on their own."