
Nov 06, 2012 16:16

So, after the better part of a decade in fandom, I just got flamed. I'm not really sure why those two stories set off such vitriol - I don't think two men breaking up, and then two men getting interrupted in the middle of having sex exactly counts as a masturbatory fantasy even if I wasn't a lesbian, but what do I know? Actually, I'm not even sure ( Read more... )

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bluflamingo November 6 2012, 23:26:01 UTC
Trolls it is :)

"For the record," John says into his ear piece - and honestly, what's wrong with their lives that he brought his radio on vacation with him. "You're not allowed to choose vacation destinations any more."

A loud crash over the radio link makes John stick his head up over the wall, pistol in hand. He spots Cam doing the same thing further down the street, looking basically fine as a nearby bridge collapses.

They both duck back under cover as the creature turns, club swinging high.

"You said you wanted to do something."

"Like take in a tourist attraction." John checks his clip and wishes for his P-90. Can't take those on a civilian flight. Getting agreement to take their side-arms was enough of a challenge, but the SGC's gotten used to what happens when their officers go on vacation.

"That's so pedestrian. I like to be different."

"Attacked by a troll is a little more different than I was looking for."

Cam laughs, and John can't help grinning in response. He's bleeding from a cut to his forehead where a tree branch caught him, and he's facing off with a real live troll that lives under a bridge, but he's doing it with Cam, and defeating a troll ought to get them another day or two added on to their vacations. Life could be worse.

"We are in Norway," Cam points out. "Trolls are a tourist attraction."

"Not what I had in mind." Something else crashes to the ground, and the troll roars. "On three?"

"On three," Cam agrees. "One - two - three -"

They both start firing on three. The troll shouts, swings its club into a nearby tree, and collapses into the stream.

John vaults the wall and pokes the troll with his boot. "Definitely dead."

Cam joins him, limping slightly. "Nice."

Sirens start up close by, and a few people start edging out of houses. John holsters his weapon. "Great. *Now* can we go do something relaxing?"

Cam offers a handkerchief for John's bleeding head. "Hospital. Then fun."

John groans, leaning his head on Cam's shoulder while they wait for the police. "Story of my life."


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