(no subject)

Nov 06, 2012 16:16

So, after the better part of a decade in fandom, I just got flamed. I'm not really sure why those two stories set off such vitriol - I don't think two men breaking up, and then two men getting interrupted in the middle of having sex exactly counts as a masturbatory fantasy even if I wasn't a lesbian, but what do I know? Actually, I'm not even sure what you'd have to be googling related to Stargate or Numbers to come across those two stories.

Also, thanks for the advice, but I already write my own stories about my own characters, and sell them, so my flamer is tragically late to that party.

Plus, die in a fire and get cancer? Shouldn't it be the other way around - I hardly think I'm going to care about getting cancer if I've already died in a fire.

Still, I've never been flamed before, I feel sort of like this occasion should be honoured somehow. Realistically, by writing homoerotic stories while leeching off talented writers of other shows :) Anyone want to prompt me?

This entry was originally posted at http://bluflamingo.dreamwidth.org/206057.html, where it has
comments. I'd prefer comments there, but comments here are loved just as much
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