Like it's not enough that my favourite sandals fell apart, and I couldn't find my blue flip flops anywhere in my flat: when I finally find my red ones instead, it turns out that the rat that's taken up residence in my walls has been chewing on them.
It has to go.
I just don't know how to make it so - it's too clever for traps, and there's no way I'm going to be able to catch it. The rat catcher suggested poison, but, um, it's living in the wall. It'll crawl back in there and die, and my flat is 25 degrees in the summer. I do not think so.
Anyone have any brilliant ideas? The rat catcher did find the hole it's getting in through (I live on the second floor, hence, it lives in the walls) and my landlord would probably come and block it up, but since we think the rat made the hole itself, that kind of seems like it might be the start of a very long pattern of fill hole-no rat-new hole-rat-fill hole.
Also, I'm really starting to hate my John/Keller friendship fic (not because I don't like the story, but because writing it is like pulling freaking teeth). Nevertheless, I will not be defeated. (Not least because, when i finish the cursed thing, I'm going to write the damn What Happens Next sequel and not keep leaving it languishing in an actual paper notebook. That's just sad).
And to end on a cheerful note: sign-ups are still open for the second annual
cm-tropefic (also on dw with the same name, but sign-ups are lj based). It's never too late to sign up to write wing fic (yes, I intend to keep banging that drum until someone does!)
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comments. I'd prefer comments there, but comments here are loved just as much