
Oct 16, 2016 20:34

Ive got to write this down before my thoughts stray to another subject. I have come to a realization about anger. It is bred from one of three thought processes... or lack there of.
1. The inability to see another persons point of view other than your own.
2. The realization that you can't win every time.
3. Physical harm to yourself or another.
4. A wrong doing to a person, place or thing.

I believe anger born of these scenarios can be subdued with three simple solutions.

1. Understanding
2. comprimise
3. Compassion
4. Forgiveness

Examples of these are as such.

1. Understanding and comprimise: Myself and Laura: We constantly fight. We went to couples therapy through my CDRP class via Kaiser. My counselor was also a couples therapist. He suggested this as to our constant fighting. "Do not try to understand the other persons point of view. You will not be able to do that. Instead understand why its important to them and agree that this is important to them." And it makes total sense. If Laura thinks tattoos are important then I should understand that they are to her. This can get complicated however, with the use of disagreements. Example being: I think its important for liam to eat all of his veggies. Laura thinks its ok not to eat all his veggies as long as he tries to eat them. We both have different opinions here. We can both understand eachothers point of view however, neither one of our views are being met consistantly. There needs to be a middle ground. Determining that can be an issue and create anger. If a solution is met though, using comprimise and understanding, then anger can be eliminated.

2. Compassion: Realizing you cant win, and allowing the other person to just be right. Realizing that someone elses need is greater than your own at that moment in time, and allowing their need to come first.

3. Forgiveness: Physical or mental harm upon someone, yourself, property or places can cause anger indeed. Without forgiveness (no matter how small or how large the damage) you will keep that anger upon your death. Just let it go, and forgive. Taking compassion can help with forgiveness I find.

*remember these in times of anger Future Matt. It will make your life much easier.
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