I said maybe youre gonna be the one that saves me

Jan 08, 2005 18:58

well yeah still in a funk, no idea why its so wierd I hate me right now I want to reach out and smack me..maybe I will...later or something, got my check and schedule today then my birthcontrol then deposited my check then got my car inspected which took 2 hours, dumbasses, then came home talked to my caitcaits again, then slept, then woke up and still had nothing to do, then made a cake then im in the middle of thirteen alone in my cold cellar....grand fucking life eh....fuck that. b ut today while I was driving I realized how crazy i really am, im not even going to wtire it cause itll come back and bite me in the ass but,,,,fucking yeah I suck and I hate me and so does everyonesle
so FUCK THEM TOO its not like I have any friends to read this fucking thing anyway so I can say whatever I wwant
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