today is so cool!

May 24, 2005 16:29

just bc it is! i went to school today just bc i was so bored at home yesterday all day by myself...and it was fun! it was just like one big party and everything. all the teachers are so cool about everything like cell phones and food and drinks and dress code and all that i just wish it was like this all year LOL until no college would accept anyone from Normangee for being so dumb. but yea, anyways...i'm going to go visit Romeo again, yes, again today. i have one week exactly till i get to bring him home! i can't wait! i HAVE to go to PetCo sometime this week and get his little blue diamondy collar and a water bowl and some toys and some food and little shampoos and brushes and everything. i know it may sound like it, but no, this is not my first puppy. i got one 5 years ago and he was the love of my life and i would do anything for him and he slept on my head at night on my pillow and everything. he was perfect. he was a beautiful pomeranian named Shadow and he was my world. then a few months ago, he got hit by a car right in front of my house, and he died. so now, Romeo has got some super shoes to fill. he'll never be my Shadow, nothing ever could be. but i bet he'll get darn close. ;-) later! XOXO
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