the poem that named my journal.....

May 24, 2005 17:01

As the earth shifts cool beneath my feet/by the light of an ebony moon/my soul calls to you like an abandoned child/like an angel with no wings/i'm incomplete/my soul so pale/this growing weakness/i rise from the warm bed of dreams/and stretch my body and my soul/suspended in life/breathing in the polluted infernal sadness of others/trying to say afloat in my ocean of emotions/they say life is like a vapor/gone in the wink of an eye/so we must dance/until the song goes off the radio/hold me in your eyes and touch me with your hands/those magic words you utter make me helpless/how can feelings so strong render me so wonderfully weak/the song is old/it's been sung a million times/but the dance is always different/i belong in your heart/i want to grab your soul and make it kiss mine/we tiptoe through the garden/trampling the daffodils/bathing in the quiet pools/drying off the water/wicking it away like bad dreams/and float on spotted wings toward the sunset of eternity/
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