Suryey thing i stole from Liz

Jan 24, 2005 22:33

Full name: Rachel Marie Mitsoff
Birthday: 06/26/87
Where you were born: Dayton
Zodiac sign: Cancer and Rabbit
Height: 5’1”
Weight: 143
Hair color: Light brown/blonde
Eye color: Blue
Shoe size: 7 ½
Ring size: Hmm… I don’t really know…
Blood type: A + I think..
GPA: 2.43
Siblings: 1 brother..
Tattoos: None yet
Piercings: Two in left ear, One in right, plan on getting my tongue
Hobbies: Drawing, Driving, Reading, and DDR

* : . : Favorites : . : *

Color: Black/Silver/Icy Blue/Blood Red
Food: Chicken Teriyaki
Candy: Smarties/ Butterfinger
Type of cheese: Mozzarella
Pizza topping: Sausage
Salad dressing: Ranch
Sandwich: Chip-chop Ham
Cereal: Apple Cinnamon Cheerios
Fruit: Papaya/Pineapple/Mango
Vegetable: Carrots
Berry: Strawberry
Cake: Marble
Book: “Pit Dragon Trilogy” and “Enchanted Forest Chronicles”
Movie: Nightmare Before Christmas and The Breakfast Club
Magazine: PSM, Seventeen
Newspaper: Don’t read any
TV show: Don’t really watch, but probably Will & Grace and Friends
Radio station: 103.9
Font: Papyrus
Cartoon character: Coyote and Road Runner
CD: Collide- Some Kind of Strange, and APC or Tool
Song: Collide- Haunted As the Minutes Pass; Slipknot- Vermillion Pt. 1 & 2
Music group: VNV Nation
Day of the week: Saturday
Month: October
Season: Spring
Holiday: Halloween
Shampoo: Daily Defense: Water Lily
Conditioner: Ditto as above
Number: 13 and 6
Phrase: Hey now..
Store: Hot Topic/ Spencer’s
Weather: Cool and Mild
Restaurant: Sarku Japan/ Don Pablo’s
Channel: 09.. Whatever plays my two fav shows
Teacher: Mr. Saurine (math), Mr. Sableski (Literature), Coach Bartlett (U.S. History), Coach Carter (Health/ Gym)
Weekend activity: Driving around to see friends, drawing
Hangout: No specific place
House color: Forest Green shades on top of a lighter green/creamish color
Sport to watch: Soccer, Hockey, Rugby, Football
Sport to play: Hockey, Soccer, Softball
Animal: Horse.. If only I had one…
Flower: Lily of the valley, bleeding heart, rose
Guy’s name: Cole
Girl’s name: Elyria
Board game: Risk
Party game: Truth or Dare
Story from childhood: Losing the tip of my finger from a bicycle chain
Body part: eyes

* : . : Have you ever : . : *

Been on a train: no
Been on a plane: yes
Been in a car accident: yes
Caused a car accident: no
Run into the wall: yes
Burned a potato chip: no
Almost burned down the house: not yet
Smoked: yes
Been drunk: nope
Been high: not yet
Broken the law: yeah
Burned a cd: yes
Kissed someone of the opposite sex: yes
Kissed someone of the same sex: yes
Made out: yes
Gotten engaged: yes
Been rejected by a crush: yes
Loved someone: yes
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble: yes
Cried in public: no
Cried over a movie: yes
Fallen asleep in the movie theater: no
Been to a boarding school: does my current school count?
Been home schooled: nope
Lost a valuable item: yeah
Bungee jumped: I want to…
Skied: yup
Met the president: nope
Met a celebrity: yes
Gotten a cavity: nope
Shopped at Abercrombie & Fitch: no, but I have clothes from there given to me
Made a prank call: nope
Skipped school: first period
Faked sick to get out of school: yes
Climbed a tree: yes
Fallen from a tree: not yet
Broken a bone: Haven’t broken anything, though my shoulder constantly comes out of socket
Sprained anything: my shoulder
Passed out: um… no comment on this.
Made yourself pass out: no
Been to one of the Disney’s: Yes
Been to a theme park other than Disney: yes
Made a model volcano: yes
Made a clover with your tongue: nope

* : . : Past : . : *

What did you do yesterday: hung out with Liz
Memory you miss the most: …not having memory of my dad..
Memory you want to forget: …certain things..
Something you regretted after it was done: *agrees with Liz on this one*

* : . : The last : . :*

Song you heard: Rhythm of the Horse- Thomas Newman
CD you bought: I didn’t buy it.. But A Perfect Circle- Emotive
Thing you said: “But I don’t want a taco pizza..”
Time you cried: Yesterday.. After I got home from Liz’s…
Movie seen in a theater: Phantom of the Opera
Thing you ate: Umm… Some sort of chicken thing from the steak place at the mall..
Person who called: Liz
Nail polish shade worn: I haven’t worn polish in over a year.. Last time I did was for prom..
Time you showered: will be here shortly
Person who complimented you: Umm…. Dunno..

* : . : At this moment : . : *

What are you listening to: Rhythm of the Horse- Thomas Newman
What are you wearing: new jeans, carroll shirt, socks, undershirt and underwear…
What are you thinking: I wish I could have my own horse..
What are you scared of: clowns… deathly afraid of spiders.. both make me cry…
How many people are on your buddy list: YIM: 59... 7 of which I actually talk to still.. AIM: 30... 4 of which I talk to…

* : . : Future : . : *

Occupation: Equine Therapeutic Training
Marriage site: Have gotten to that detail yet
Honeymoon: Don’t know yet
Place to live: Again, don’t know yet
Kids: a daughter…
Car: 1957 Chevy Corvette Convertible completely restored with a brand new V8 engine painted in midnight blue with a black/silver interior
What are you doing tomorrow: School, then getting job application
Will there be a WWIII: Isn’t that what the War on Terrorism/War in Iraq whatever the fuck it’s called actually is..?
Will politics ever be truthful: probably not
Will humanity snuff itself out: Eventually
Can the government ever change: Not until someone decent makes it into office

* : . : Friends : . : *

Best friend: Leanna
Funniest: Kyle
Quietest: Ayako
Loudest: Jessica Datko
Craziest: Jo (Josie)
Calmest: out of my friends, me.
Skinniest: Jo
Best secret keeper: Leanna
Worst secret keeper: Margie.. I trusted her with everything.. And then she lost my trust…
Smartest: Weeble
Preppiest: Meghan
Peppiest: Kasey
Most hyper: Jo
Weirdest: Me
Biggest pervert: Jimmy
Most annoying: Kyle can be at times
Most religious: Ian.. Definitely..
Shyest: Kyle

* : . : Do you believe in : . : *

Heaven: there’s a good place somewhere
Hell: there’s a bad place somewhere too
Angels: yes
Devil: as in Satan? I believe that there is an evil in this world…
God: Goddess...
Buddha: I don’t see why not.
Aliens: yup
Ghosts: yes
Spirit (souls): yes… right Leanna..?
Soulmate: at times
Reincarnation: yes
Love at first sight: sometimes
Karma: yes
Love in general: yeah
Luck: yes
Yourself: generally.. Though I do have my doubts…

* : . : Crush : . : *

Who and when was your first crush: Lauren, end of 7th, beginning of 8th
Got one now: yes
A celebrity crush: Kate Beckinsale or Kiera Knightly
Who do you want to be with right now: …. There’s a number of people I wouldn’t mind being with right now..
Whose number do you want: As in phone number…? *shrugs*
Who do you want to kiss: they can guess who they are.
Something you don’t understand about the opposite sex: why they become assholes when they hit college…
If you could go on a date with anybody, who would it be: Kate Beckinsale
On a scale from 1-10 how romantic are you: *shrugs* 8-10? I can be romantic.. But I can kill the moment too… >.<;;; *shoots self*
First thing you notice about the opposite sex: don’t really look… probably clothes
What do you look for personality wise: sarcastic sense of humor, quiet but with moments of randomness..
Biggest turn on: biting, back of neck, right on top of the first vertebrae
Biggest turn off: um…. Hairiness? Lol I haven’t really thought about it….
Something they wear that turns you on: tight jeans and backwards hat
Something they wear that turns you off: hmmmm….don’t know…
Is it right to flirt if you’re taken: Don’t really have much to comment on about this. I know I do at times..
Are eyes the passageway to the soul: yes
Do you want to hug anyone right now: yes
Do you know what an aphrodisiac: oohhh… yes.. I have a couple aphrodisiacs around..

* : . : Describe : . : *

Mellow: yellow… no.. um.. Calmness..
Melancholy: I felt like that yesterday.. Luckily it didn’t last long.. I don’t like being sad like that…
The perfect date: moonlight… lakeside… cool, but not cold weather..
The perfect mate: quiet.. Butchy but not afraid to be girly at times.. Shy.. Outgoing.. Cuddlyish… not afraid of PDA… um… *thinks more*
How M&M’s are made: beads of chocolate put into tiny molds, shaken out after hardening, covered with some sort of slightly hard covering then spray painted...
Why manhole covers are round: I tink they should be pink triangles…. Lol…
Best feeling in the world: Adrenaline.. I love the rush I get from being scared.. Even though I hate it at the time.
Worst feeling in the world: Being Heart Broken

* : . : One or the other : . : *

Coke/Pepsi: rootbeer
Sprite/7-Up: Sprite
Boxers/Briefs: boxers
Gold/Silver: silver
Vanilla/Chocolate: Vanilla
Flowers/Candy: flowers.. Don’t like candy too much…
Book/Magazine: book
TV/Radio: radio
Half empty/Half full: half full
Democrat/Republican: democrat, like the rest of my family
Colored pencils/Markers: colored pencils
Coffee/Tea: frappachino
Sun/Moon: moon
Day/Night: night
Hot/Cold: cool
Dog/Cat: both
Button/Zipper: zipper
Cotton/Feather pillow: feather
Blue/Purple: blue
Plumber/Trashman: um…plumber?
Jeans/Shorts: jeans
Long distance relationship/None: LDR!
Mechanical/Regular pencil: mechanical
That 70’s Show/Simpsons: simpsons
Kelso/Eric(that 70's show): eric
Donna/Jackie(that 70's show): donna
Bart/Lisa(simpsons): lisa
Romeo/Juliet: juliet
Romantic comedy/Thriller: thriller
Peanut butter/Jelly: peanut butter
Waffles/Pancakes: waffles
Letter/Email: letter
Florida/California:Cali.. Even though I’ve never been there
Pizza/Burgers: burgers
Hat/Visor: hat
Football/Rugby: rugby
Ice skating/Blading: Ice skating
At home movie/Theater: theater

* : . : First thing you think of when you hear : . : *

Yellow: mellow
Lipstick: kisses
Socks: shoe
Cowtipping: laughter
Moulin Rouge: Christina Agulera
Greenland: Scotland
Iceland: Ireland
Harry Potter: yoai
Red: roses
Blackberry: strawberry
Rose: lips
Rooster: hen
Taxes: kill me
Bill Clinton: “I did not have sex with that woman.”
Whipped cream: lick
George W. Bush: *pulls out shotgun*
Lollipops: Cherry Blowpop… *snickers at Weeble*
Dreams: can come true
Love: hurts at times
Guys: suck
South Park: amusing
Boy Bands: need shot
Penguins: Leah, regina por los penguinos y los osos blanco!
Girls: Interrupted
Death: doesn’t solve anything
Spoons: spork.. *pokes with*
Junk Mail: burn
Dairy: coooow.. And a baby!
Your father: ……..
Pizza: *munch*
Britney Spears: Toxic
Vitamin: hehehe, special brownies..

* : . : Are you : . : *

Happy: kinda
Sad: meh.
Religious: I have my beliefs
Bitchy: yeah..
Crazy: no…
Mad: not really..
Messy: yeah..
Slacker: “The Procrastinators Meeting has been moved to next Tuesday..”
Nerd: can be
Bookworm: can be
Jock: used to be
Preppy: sometimes
Selfish: yes
Giving: yes
Obsessive: to a certain degree
Violent: rarely
Calm: yes
Peaceful: yes
Mellow: yes
Eccentric: VERY MUCH YES
Caring: yes
Untrustworthy: no
Loyal: most of the time
Patriotic: ehh… not really..
Perverted: can be
Colorful: “YES I am gay.. I have rainbow blood” ß I like that answer ^.^
Artistic: animals and scenary.. People.. Or anime.. No…

* : . : Miscellaneous : . : *

What color is your jacket: Black pleather, purple inside
Do you shave: yes
Where: legs, underarms, crotch, hands…
What size is your bed: twin
How many people can sleep comfortably in your bed: 2 as far as I’ve seen..
What color crayon would you be: light blue
What are the last 4 digits of your phone number: 1982
Feelings on abortion: I have nothing against it.. For my own reasons.. I know plenty of people who have had one.. It’s the woman’s choice…
How long does it take you to shower: 10-50 minutes.
What does your screen name mean: YIM or AIM? YIM: aceilux means white dove and astraclipse means, “to block out the moon” so in all, “white dove that blocks the moon” and on AIM: Jai is my dragon name, Elyria is the name I would choose for my daughter if I ever had one and Drgn means dragon. Enough said.
Thoughts on blonde pop stars in general: only one has good music.
Who do you trust the most: I trust people too easily.. Liz and Leanna
Is cussing a necessity in life: I don’t cuss very well, so I avoid it.. Unless I’m mad.. Or slip up…
How about coffee: Frappachinos only for me..
Is the world screwed: up the ass and around the corner
What’s something you can’t live without: my friends and my cat
What time did you go to bed last night: about midnight
Do you know what 69 means: its a number and a sex position and turn it on it’s side, it’s the symbol for cancer
Can you live without a microwave: yes
What do you think about death: we begin to die the day we are born
Where and when do you want to be married: probably early to mid 20s, some place nice
Do you want to drop out of school: I’ve thought about it, but then thought against it
Why is the sky blue: because blue has the least amount of light waves… . The sky reflects the water and water reflects the sky..
What is a good trait about yourself: probably my eyes…I’m a sweetie..
What do you always think about: What it would be like to have a dad that loved me….
What is wrong with your school: It’s private, we wear uniforms, and it’s catholic.
What is right with your school: there is nothing right about my school
How do you react to change: Usually doesn’t affect me too much. Depending on how drastic it is
Do you talk to yourself: at times…
What is your opinion on love: There are so many times when you think you may have found the right one, only to be disappointed that they really aren’t. But you will eventually come across that one, and when you do, hold on for life.
What color would you dye your hair: I’d go for any color really, except bleach blonde or hot pink
Best thing anyone has told you: “ I really feel like I can trust you, and I don’t trust people very easily. “
Does being psycho appeal to you: We’re all a little mad in this world…
If you wrote a book, what would it be about: I don’t know.. Maybe why teenagers act they way they do…
What would you change your name to: Faith Marie McGowan… or… If I don’t have a daughter… I’d take her name…. Elyria Rose
Longest crush lasted how long: 4 ½ years
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