info post

Oct 17, 2009 15:59

I haven't post in a while, a long, long while. But I figured I would do a little meme to let people know whats up in my life.

01) Are you currently in a serious relationship? Yes! 1 year at the end of this month. It is crazy because our work schedules are completely not meshing right now, but we both have jobs so that is a bonus. This is the longest I have ever been in a relationship and I am really fuzzy on the future (mainly I am really starting to dislike where we are living) but I love him.

02) What was your dream growing up? When I was in second grade I wanted to be a figure skater. This is hilarious considering how clumsy/coordinated I am.

03) What talent do you wish you had? Being a better judge of character

04) If I bought you a drink what would it be? I am pretty easy, but I have been enjoying some hard cider lately and whiskey is always a favorite.

05) Favorite vegetable? Broccoli or zucchini

06) What was the last book you read? Um... I pretty much get all my reading needs from fanfic now

07) What zodiac sign are you? Cancer(July 18th)

08) Any Tattoos and/or Piercings? Explain where. Nope, I like them but I am not sure about on me. I freaked out about changing my body with braces and have had the same hairstyle since I was ten.

09) Worst Habit? Not cleaning my appartment/laundry on the bedroom floor

10) Do you have a Pessimistic or Optimistic attitude? My boyfriend always says I am a pessimist, but I just think I am a realist.

11) Do you have any pets? I have no pets but I really want a kitten to play with.

12) If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be? If I could have Tonks ability to change my hair however I wanted at the moment that would be freaking cool. Otherwise I always thought I would be taller,I stopped growing in 6th/7th grade.

13) Ever been arrested? No, but I have had a reoccurring nightmare about getting pulled over in my car that has no insurance or tags when I lost my license.

14) If you won $10,000 today, what would you do with it? First I would open up two bank accounts: one savings account and one to put money into to pay off some of my debt. I would probably split the 10k into 5k for paying off loans(780 to get current and pay off the rest of the year) and 3k savings. Then I would use the other 2k on buying a computer, getting satellite radio, netflix, and going out to dinner with my boyfriend on a date and the clothes to go on it. The rest I would save for buying christmas present because right now it looks as if I am going to be dead fucking broke then.

15) What's your favorite place to hang out at? Why home of course, ideally I will get to broaden my horizons if I move and their is a cool bar that has indie/electronic shows

16) Favorite thing to do in your spare time? All of my spare time right now is spent reading fanfic

17) Favorite and least favorite food? Cheese or really good fruit//Ham and Beans

18) Do you believe in God? No

19) What is the worst thing that has happened to you at work? I lost my phone :(, the third one this year

*edited to fix formatting
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