Birds of a Feather

Apr 03, 2013 22:07

Title: Birds of a Feather - Deaf!Dean Verse
Rating: PG to PG-13
Characters: Dean, Sam, John, Mary, Adam, OFCs, OMCs
Warnings:Child Abuse
Summary: Dean Winchester was born deaf. His mother loved him all the same and assured him that he could do anything. Sadly, John didn't feel the same way. After a near fatal incident with a shtriga when Dean was nine, he knew that a deaf person had no business hunting and that his eldest would only be a burden. When he leaves Dean behind in a hospital, he tells himself he did the right thing. Turns out John was right. Dean Winchester became Dean Coulter - and found a new life to go along with his new name.
Notes: This verse is not complete. New stories will be added as they are written.

genre: h/c, deaf!dean verse

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