Title: Birds of a Feather - Deaf!Dean Verse
Rating: PG to PG-13
Characters: Dean, Sam, John, Mary, Adam, OFCs, OMCs
Warnings:Child Abuse
Summary: Dean Winchester was born deaf. His mother loved him all the same and assured him that he could do anything. Sadly, John didn't feel the same way. After a near fatal incident with a shtriga when Dean was nine, he knew that a deaf person had no business hunting and that his eldest would only be a burden. When he leaves Dean behind in a hospital, he tells himself he did the right thing. Turns out John was right. Dean Winchester became Dean Coulter - and found a new life to go along with his new name.
Notes: This verse is not complete. New stories will be added as they are written.
Feathers of Orange Before We Were Songbirds Feathers of Blue Orioles Apart Silent Jayhawk Little Cardinals Feathers of Copper Cardinals in Their Nest Feathers of Brown Broken Bird Feathers of Black Not Exactly a Bluebird - of happiness, that is The Art of Building a Nest The Art of Building a Nest II Owlet Alone The Art of Building a Nest III Feathers of Green The Art of Building a Nest IV Sparrows in Their Nest The Art of Building a Nest V Feathers of Yellow The Art of Learning to Fly I Feathers of Red The Forgotten Phoenix Feathers of Ruby Feathers of Gold Prairie Wren Cardinal and the Chickenhawk Oriole in Flight Whipporwill The Old Cardinal Meadowlark Feathers of White Feathers of Jade Skylark and Starling Feathers of Ivory The Cygnet Feathers of Crimson Feathers of Brass Feathers of Purple Nest Building Twelve Pipers Piping Last Flight of the Lark You Can Finally Meet My Mom Eleven Bells A Ringing Orioles in their Nest The Mockingbird and the Oriole DCBB 2012
Kitty Hawk Meta for 2012
Feathers of Citrine Feathers of Charcoal Feathers of Cerulean Feathers of Silver Bird of Another Color Meta for 2012
Feathers of Topaz Feathers of Ocher Feathers of Onyx Feathers of Bronze Feathers of Amethyst Feathers of Sapphire The Cygnet in May The Cygnet in July Feathers of Gray Cardinals and Orioles Oriole's Cry Orioles on the Wing Feathers of Violet Rebuilding a Nest The Cygnet in June